My doctor left me!!! (kind of long)


I'm one week away from my due date and I'm shopping for a new doctor! I'm so frustrated, my doctor told me a while ago that she was moving to California at the end of March and I'm due March 12th so she said she would be there for my delivery. Well a few weeks ago I had an appointment with her and I got a reminder card in the mail and it said I was seeing the PA, so I called and said I don't have an appointment with the PA I have one with my doctor and she said Oh she's not doing clinic appointments anymore. Can you believe that? She didn't even tell me that at my appointment 2 weeks earlier. I really liked her too. So anyway they said she would be carrying a pager and would still do deliveries until the middle of March and in the meantime I had to see a different doctor. So I met this new doctor and wasn't very impressed, but I made an appointment with her for the next week which was this last Monday and after not telling me much of anything she says well I'll see you next Monday and if you're not in labor we'll schedule you for an induction. An induction??? That will be 2 days before my due date, why would they induce me? So I told her I absolutely don't want to be induced unless it's medically necessary and that it's very important to me. She was okay with that, but I don't like the fact that she is so ready to induce because to me that is wrong when there's no medical reason and she didn't even ask if I wanted to be induced. So I left the appointment feeling all upset and I asked the receptionist if my doctor was still doing deliveries and they said no she is gone to California for good. I'm really frustrated now so I made my next appointment with another doctor who delivered a couple of my coworkers babies and I know he doesn't believe in induction for convenience and he's supposed to be a really good doctor though apparently he has no sense of humor and isn't very personable which is why I didn't schedule with him in the first place plus I wanted a female doctor, but at this point I just hope I can get in to see him. My appointment isn't until Monday (2 days before my due date) and they said he won't deliver my baby if he hasn't met me so I'm crossing my fingers that I make it until then. I know it won't be the end of the world if I end up with that doctor I don't like, but I just don't want to be in a situation where I'm having to disagree with the doctor about everything, that won't make for a very good experience. Am I over reacting? I just want everything to proceed as naturally as possible and I want a doctor who believes in that too. I also feel like I have to drag information from her and I like to be kept informed about what is going on.

Well I just needed to vent. I'm sure in the end everything will turn out okay no matter who shows up for the delivery. Well thanks for "listening".

Hi Amy,

That really sucks. I am so sorry - just one more thing to worry about, right? My doctor's office has 6 ob's and they work with another office of 6 - so you get whoever is on call for your delivery. There is one jerk (the rest are fabulous) and all I could do was hope to not get him. It all worked out well, but I can imagine how you must be feeling. My one suggestion would be to get a doula - that way you will have an advocate who can ensure things proceed according to your wishes when the time comes, no matter who is delivering you. I'm sure you will be okay - hang in there and stick to your guns!

Best of luck,
Hi Amy,
I am so sorry that happened. The last thing you need when you are that preggo and hormonal is something like that happening.:-( I dont know about your practice that you go to but, when you go into labor during "non work hours" You get the luck of the draw anyhow. I wouldnt get all stressed over it. I am sure everything will be okay. Sometimes the doctors that you think wouldnt be good are sometimes the best at bedside mannor. Its kinda funny like that. And when you are in wont care as long as they get that baby out safely and healthy. :) Goodluck with everything.
Man, that stinks.

One of the many reasons why I switched to a birthing center. It is run by 2 midwives and they both attend every birth! They have a very high level of care during and after pregnancy.

I hope everything works out, and like above poster said - the goal is a healthy baby. Best luck to you!
At our clinic we had an ob/gyn that was leaving. She would not see any new pg ladies that were due within a month of her leaving. I thought that was wise. Hopefully your dr will still deliver. Ironically, the MD that WAS leaving (and wouldn't see me) was on call when I delivered and ended up doing my CSection!!! You just never know.


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
I've found that for everyone of my babies, my wishes and birth plan have been respected. Just make a very clear birth plan and make sure to discuss any concerns you have with your new doctor frankly and openly.

Aren't there any other doctors in the practice to transfer you over too? With my 5th child, my ob went on a medical mission to Kenya during the month I was due and he put me with another ob in the practice that he thought I would like. I was well taken care of.

I think that your doctor's behavior is highly unprofessional regarding how all of this was handled.

take care
Thanks for all the well wishes and sympathy!

I have heard rumors that my old doctor was put on bedrest (she's pregnant) so that would explain her sudden leaving before the end of March when she planned on leaving.

So I was able to see my new doctor yesterday and I definitely like him better, I'm glad I made the decision to switch. When I went to my appointment yesterday I measured 46 cm and the week before I measured 40 cm! So the doctor sent me to have an ultrasound to measure the baby and see approximately how much he weighs. He also ordered an NST. Luckily the NST was normal and they figure the baby weighs about 8 lbs so that's fine since I'm due tomorrow. I have extra amniotic fluid so that's why I measured bigger and he said that was nothing to worry about. I'm so glad everything is fine and I'm glad this new doctor is being careful. I see him next Monday if I haven't had the baby yet, I'll be 5 days overdue by then so hopefully that won't be the case.

Well have a good day everyone and good luck to you all!
I'm glad you've adjusted to your new doctor and that everything is going well. Keep us posted.


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