My 3rd Cold This Year!


Can someone recommend a vitamin or supplement or anything! It was 70 degrees here in Minnesota one day, and it snowed the next, so that might have something to do with it, but I now hve my third cold of 2002. Please advise! Thanks in advance!

What's up girl?!?!?

Are you using up all your reserves? Burning the candle? Under too much stress?

1) plenty of fruits and vegetables, shoot for 5-9 servings a day.

2) Sleep, sleep, sleep. Turn the TV off and hit the sack...

3) take an additional rest day for a few weeks, swap a cardio for a relaxing yoga/pilates/whatever to lighten the load a little

4) get some "you" time every day that is a treat, that makes you feel special, that is not answering telephone, working on the train/bus, grading papers in the bath, eating while doing 6 other things, etc.

I am a vegetarian, take all the rest days I want, shut myself away for "me" time when I need it, do not take vitamins or supplements of any kind, take time to garden and smell the roses and have not had a cold for two years.

I hope some of this works for you and get well soon!

Thanks Clare! I really don't know what the deal is, but your advice was nice. My husband and I are going to California in a couple weeks and I am freaking out because of not being able to workout as much, but maybe it's just what I need. Thanks again!
Hi Jillybean! I don't know if this will help you, but something is helping me, I'm just not sure what it is. I can't remember my last cold, but I think it was 6 years ago. It's really bizarre because I'll get all the symptoms of a cold coming on, and then they just disappear. I started taking Milk Thistle 6 years ago for my liver. I don't know if it makes any sense that an herb for the liver would prevent colds, so my other thought is that it's something in my diet. Here's 3 possibilities:
-an apple every day
-some onion every day
-dark leafy greens every day
I strongly suspect that it's the apple! They do great things for your lungs. If you don't already eat apples, it certainly won't hurt to add one in every day! Anyway, I'm just guessing here, and I wish I knew for sure what it is that's preventing my colds so I could share it with the world!! Hope this helps, and have fun in California!

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