Music! Music! Music!


New Member
For me the time just flies by when I am working out to a great song. I get up at 4:30 am to exercise and when I am tired and bleary eyed I really "Need a Hero"! Or when I am doing the chest presses and I feel like "I can't give any more" I do! I just nearly despise workouts with instrumental music so for me the ideal video has lots of great vocals I can get pumped up with. I mean you just can't help getting excited about your workout with that kick punch and crunch song that starts with that scream. It really gets you psyched up kick some butt! How about this idea though...

What if like programming our own workout sequence we could also program our own music onto the workout. Say I like rock and you like oldies, wouldn't it be cool if I could do my workout to one track while you did yours to another. Of course each song added would have to be mixed so that the bpm went with the routine. Copyright laws are messy but if there was a way (and if I was more computer savvy) I think a business where you remixed old workout tapes to new music would do really well. For example, you could take your old tape like step heat and layer new music that suited you. Workouts would never get old or boring! Nirvana! Utopia! and all that good stuff! :)
I like the music option choices idea(because I tend to prefer instrumentals with a driving beat to washed-out vocal remakes: I really like the music Cathe usually chooses for her kickboxing--I just wish the KM music were louder!).

Obviously, having multiple music options available would be cost prohibitive, but how about two music options for each workout: one more 'vocals of songs you hear on the radio,' the other more 'instrumentals with a driving beat'?
> how about two music options for each
>workout: one more 'vocals of songs you hear on the radio,' the
>other more 'instrumentals with a driving beat'?


The vocals help me tough it out and complete Cathe's Kick A$$ workouts! The "instrumentals with a driving beat" (techno?) make me want to wimp out and NOT complete Cathe's Kick A$$ workouts!

"She's living in sin with a cowboy, and hell--he can hardly even walk!" --J.R. Ewing, "Dallas"
You acn do this with our "vocals only" option. However, the beat of the music will never match the routine.
I made a poor choice of words. By "vocals" I meant songs that are not merely instrumental. I like to hear the lyrics of a song, rather than wordless music. I was disappointed with the recently used remix of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun", because I like that song--but IMO the remix took the guts right out of it.

I guess what this comes down to is that some of us respond much better to the style of music in "Body Blast" and "Intensity Series"-- and many others love the new stuff. I have my wishes, but they are no more valid than the wishes of others. I guess I need to learn to like whatever Cathe winds up using, because certainly the quality of what she produces is top-notch. I think the workouts are amazing. As far as music, wish I could have everything perfectly my way, but life isn't like that. :-(

"She's living in sin with a cowboy, and hell--he can hardly even walk!" --J.R. Ewing, "Dallas"
>I guess what this comes down to is that some of us respond
>much better to the style of music in "Body Blast" and
>"Intensity Series"-- and many others love the new stuff.

You're right... I just love the song that goes like: "Since you've been gone..." in the Body Blast (I think)... It just sticks in my head all day and I cannot wait to excercise to it...

And there is one of the songs in the bodymax 2 I find funny... the one that says something like... "I'm a men"... or at least that's what I hear... It's funny listening to that when all the people you see on the screen are super fit women!

I also love one of the sections of some video (don't remember which), with bicep curls with a barbel, that in the exact moment Cathe asks us to hold it in the middle (L shape), the song has an intense beat and comes to a halt, and it matches our movements perfectly (I think it's the one in which Cathe inserts her extremely funny wicked laugh)...

Just wanted to share... I guess I sometimes get fixated with your music... It's just great!

Remember, though, that vocals can compete with the instructor's voice, and the music usually has to be not as loud to compensate. With instrumentals, the music can be at a good volume while not competing with the instructor's voice, the same relationship as between a singer and the music of the song s/he is singing. That's by far my preference.
I prefer the music to be nice and loud since I do the workouts enough to memorize them. I don't really need to hear the instructor say the same thing over and over. I think the latest workouts, BB series and the I-Series, had nice, loud music AND I could hear Cathe just fine.
> I think the
>latest workouts, BB series and the I-Series, had nice, loud
>music AND I could hear Cathe just fine.

I agree. I think the IS music is just the right volume, with no need for the 'music louder' option, while BB is a good volume with 'music louder' on. I wish HC had the 'music louder,' because the music volume on that one is just not high enough (especially on that good, rockin' music in KickMax).

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