Muscle Soreness


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

I know I am about to ask a question that has been asked a million times, but I just need some reassurance here. I have been doing a rotation which includes PLB and PUB. Naturally, I was very sore when I started these workouts. It has only been a few weeks, and I already have stopped feeling sore after I put everything into every exercise for every workout. I am afraid this could mean that my muscles are not getting worked hard enough. Have any of you experienced lack of muscle soreness after putting your all into a weight workout? Thanks for any comments!

- Amy :)
Hey Amy,

I think you are probably right where you need to be if you've only been doing it a few weeks. However, if you want to be sure that you are keeping your muscles growing, mix it up every 4 or 5 weeks. I've read that you should never stay on a rotation for more than 12 weeks at a time. This will keep your muscles confused & you will feel that wonderful soreness again.

Hope that helps.
Some of my reading this summer is some weight trainig and fitness books (Like the ACE personal trainer manual and a book by Douglas Brooks). According to what I'm reading, soreness is NOT necessary to make progress in muscular strength.

I would judge whether or not your workouts are "working" for you, not by how sore you are, but by the fact that you can move up in weight every few workouts (if you move up in small increments, the time between moving up will be shorter).

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