Mr. Clean Magic Eraser


Wow! I bought this today to try it to get the black marks off my walls. Cleared all of them better than anything else I've ever used, then it did a great job on my stove, which is an old piece of junk.

So I tried it on my bathtub--I live in an apt in NYC, and nothing I have ever tried has gotten the white soap scum marks off the walls and tub. (Yuck, I know! But I have scrubbed it with bleach, Ajax, Comet--not together though!--and have used the after-shower sprays--nothing got it off.) Damn, but the Mr. Clean stuff actually got rid of it! What's in that thing?! My BF thinks I'm nuts--I completely went through both sponges in the $3 pack that I bought. And part of soap scum in one corner just refused to come off, though I think I did the equivalent of an entire Cathe workout trying to get it clean.

Anyone else use this stuff? I'm completely amazed. It doesn't have a chemical smell at all--is it like Bon Ami (which I have used on walls before and tried on my tub)?
>>>>I think I did the equivalent of an entire Cathe workout trying to get it clean.<<<<

LOL!!! That is so funny! But, yeah, that stuff is great.

You just reminded me to clean my kids' fingerprints off the hallway walls.
I tried them for the first time last weekend

I had given up getting this scum off my cabinets in the kitchen. These worked like magic! I wish they lasted longer...but oh well. I have stocked up now.

RE: I tried them for the first time last weekend

I own a housecleaning business and we use them all the time!

RE: I tried them for the first time last weekend

Oooh...scum on kitchen cabinets...I have to try that next! Yeah, I wished they last longer, but I'm hooked now.
I've been nervous to try it since my mom said she tried it on her walls and it left a weird sheen.

I still have to get one to get the black mark off my ceiling... which I put there when I was using my body bar standing on my step... and I forgot that meant I was 8 inches closer to the ceiling..!! Now I fixate on it when I'm doing crunches. :( If I don't have contacts in, I think it's a spider before I remember what that mark really is.

Anyone else have a sheen on their walls?
I use this for EVERYTHING. Well, almost... I still use Pledge to polish my tables. But I like this product because it doesn't leave noxious fumes the way other cleaners (like Tilex or CLR) do. Now, if I can only find a product that can suck up my kid's clutter and put it all back where they should be...:)

> Now, if I can only find a product that can suck up
>my kid's clutter and put it all back where they should be...:)

LOL! Yes, wouldn't that be nice! I find that's what I'm doing all day long, but after three kids! MY dd is the worst and she's the oldest.

I love those little magic sponges! I use them on everything. I do have one bad story, however. My dh is kind of nutty about marks on walls, especially since the house is fairly new. Anyway, there's one hallway leading to the toy room that was pretty marked up, so i used one of those sponges. The black marks were gone, but the wall looked horrible. Needless, to say we ended up painting the hallway and play room. Maybe it depends on the paint. It wasn't washable (I'm not sure how we made a silly decision like that with three little ones. I'll blame it on being way over my head during construction.).

So, I would definitely test out an area before going to town with that sponge on the walls.

I haven't tried this, but I will now. Although...I can't really think of anything I've got that I'm having trouble cleaning.

Have you tried the Mr. Clean Magic Reach? I started using this a few months ago and I love it. There's a pole with a detachable rubber head which you put a textured cleaning pad on. The pad has the Mr. Clean cleanser inside, and the texture is rough so it's good for scrubbing. YOu just wet it and wash the walls of your shower. Then you can remove the head, which has a handle on it, and use that to scrub your tub. It's awesome.

My tub is an old porcelain thing and it's very hard to clean. I use daily after shower mist on it, just so the build-up doesn't get too bad in between cleanings. But I still have to scrub it once a week or so.

I'm definitely a Mr. Clean convert.
>I've been nervous to try it since my mom said she tried it on
>her walls and it left a weird sheen.
>Anyone else have a sheen on their walls?

YES!!! And it really ticked me off because we just painted but you know something always ends up on the walls. So, "Magic Eraser" to the rescue...or so I thought. I had to break the paint out anyway to cover up that nasty shiny spot.

BUT use it on your baseboards & you won't have to paint them again EVER!!! LOL
That sounds really useful--I've got an old tub, too, made of who knows what material, but it's ridiculously hard to clean. I wish they sold the "Magic Eraser" on a pole like that, though.

Speaking of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, I couldn't stop cleaning last night! Was waiting for the SO to finish brushing his teeth, and I wound up cleaning the kitchen sink with it, then starting on the kitchen cabinets.....I'm obssessed! }(
These are great...I used a new one last night on my white canvas sandals and they came pretty clean. I've also used them on sneakers.
This is the only product I've ever raved about to friends and family. I was amazed. I did discover that you have to test painted surfaces though...yikes!
They are totally addictive - once you start cleaning with them you just won't stop. Hadn't thought to try it on the bathtub ring, but now I can't wait to make it magically disappear! }(
Just be careful and test spot any long hallways. My daughter's friend used one on her hallway and everytime she comes in the front door, she can see the streaks all down the hall.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Yes Debbie I hadthe same outcome, but you can just wipe down the wall with a dampa peper towel and it goes away. BTW I use these often too andthey are as helpful as claimed!
AKA "Likes2bfit"

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