


Does anyone else here find it hard to get motivated doing non-Cathe tapes? I've found this to be increasingly true for me... For the last few months, I had been on a Cathe-only rotation (with some non-Cathe cardio workouts interspersed here and there). I had begun missing some of my other tapes, in particular my FIRM tapes, so I started doing some FIRM tapes again. I was so excited to get my new Super Sculpting tape, and although I did enjoy that workout and thought it was wonderful, I just found myself wishing I were doing a Cathe tape instead.

Ever since I started doing Cathe tapes, it's like nothing else gets my endorphins going quite as well
. Nothing else seems to motivate me as much! Anyone else notice this?
I hear ya Jennifer

I am the same way Jennifer.

Cathes tapes have always appealed to more than others. Not that I don't like other tapes but I just don't get the same rush and enjoyment out of other tapes.

I also don't find the intensity in any other videos like I find in Cathes, and I tend to be pulled more in that direction when looking for a video to do.

The cueing also makes a big difference for me. I am quicker to learn her choreography and catch on faster so I can enjoy the workout without having to rewind or give up after the fifth time...but that's just me:O)


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