Hi Katia,
I am a teacher and during the school year I have to get up between 4 and 4:30 to get my workouts in. My first students arrive at 7:15 so I have to leave the house at 7:00 at the latest. I get all my workout clothes ready the night before and I know what workout(s) I am going to do. I try to get to bed by 9 or 9:30. That is the hard part for me. I also listen to my body and if the early morning workouts begin to add stress to my life I take a break and or plan an afternoon workout if possible. I mostly stick to the early morning routine though because it is done and I love the feeling of accomplishment I carry throughout my day. Then no matter how late I get home, I can throw on comfortable clothes and lesson plan or cook dinner or relax. I also drink a small glass of orange juice before I workout. I set my coffee maker to begin making my coffee during my stretch. I try to leave a little time to cool down and have my breakfast after I workout. Good luck!