Morning workouts


Hi Ladies,

I haven't bought the Body for Life book (I'm frugal except when it comes to Cathe videos!), but I did flip through the book the other day and was very interested in his 20 minute aerobic workout 3 mornings per week. According to this guy, if you work out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, you will increase fat loss by a substantial amount.

Has anybody tried this and noticed a big difference in weight loss/fat loss when they switched to morning workouts on an empty stomach? I tend to feel quesy sometimes if I work out on an empty stomach, so I don't want to try it unless I know it actually worked for somebody. If it works, I can handle the quesiness! Any thoughts? Have a Happy Thanksgiving next week to all my fitness buddies!!

RE: Morning workouts -- I doubt it

Because of my schedule, I work out every morning on an empty stomach. I personally don't think it makes a difference for fat loss, since I still have plenty I could lose. I just don't have time to eat before I work out and I don't get quesy or light headed like some people. Listen to your body, if you get quesy working out on an empty stomach it's probably telling you not to do it!!

Dawn W
RE: Morning workouts -- I doubt it

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-01 AT 07:52PM (Est)[/font][p]Opps... Double Post sorry
Dawn W
Hi Lisa,
I have been an on and off morning exercisor. When I was on I did lose weight. I really think it is because when you exercise in the morning you are more consistent. If you wait until later in the day a 100 excuses could come up. If you have a library near by you could check out Oprah's Make the Connection book. It is a very good book. It explains (one theory) why exercise is better in the morning and how your metabolism responds. I know for me I am more consistent if I stick to mornings. Good Luck and take care.
Hi, I don't have any scientific proof, but I can just say from my own experience, that cardio on an empty stomach first thing in the am "seems" to get my metabolism running full blast! I tried to do the "only lose 1-2lbs/week thing", but I've been losing 3-5lbs/week consistently for the last 6 months by doing my cardio 3-5 days/week first thing in the am (anytime betw 5:30-7am)on an empty stomach, and then eating a healthy breakfast after my workout. For me, I seem to actually feel fuller from my breakfast when I eat it after my workout, and I don't need as much to feel satisfied.
However, those are the cardio days, occasionally, on weight days, if I'm not starting first thing, like by 7am on the weights, then I'll have a bowl of cereal, or a fat free yogurt prior to beginning weights, I seem to need the extra "boost" from breakfast sometimes for weights. But this is me, you should try both methods for 2 weeks, chart your food intake and weight loss for 2 weeks eating breakfast then workout, then 2 weeks of workout on an empty stomach and chart your food intake and weight loss, then you can see if there are any differences in how you eat, or how it effected your weight loss.
Good Luck, and I'd be interested in hearing how it turned out.
For years I preferred to workout in the afternoon or evening(still do actually), but when I had to train for my competition, I had to switch to morning workouts. It sure made a difference for me!! In fact, my comp will be done as of 3 weeks from this coming Sat. and I still keep up with the a.m. workouts because I feel it's more beneficial. Also my pooch now thinks that this is a must. There have been alot of mornings when I didn't want to go outside and walk or run, but my pooch starts jumping around and whining and I get my lazy butt out that door:)!! I always feel better after my a.m. workout too. IMHO, a.m. workout ARE better for fat loss.

Tae Bo Check Up

Hi Lisa,
I was just wondering how you like your Tae Bo Videos?
Also, I am a morning exerciser on an empty stomach, except for water. I don't think it makes a difference for my metabolism, but I am consistent with morning workouts. I just roll out of bed and get moving before I am really even conscious of what I am doing. It seems to work better for me that way!
Hey Amy...

At first I thought you meant that your "pooch" was your stomach! For a split second I was confused about how it was jumping around and whining - LOL!! I think I need to get to bed.

I do morning workouts and always eat something first. If I'm doing a hard workout, I drink half of a protein shake. If I'm doing something less intense, I eat an apple. I really need some fuel for my workouts.

Ha-Me too, Erica!

I thought the SAME thing about Aimee's pooch! There are days mine DOES whine and jump around! Hee-Hee!

Hey, Aimee-good to see you here. How are you feeling? Anymore news on your gall bladder? Hope you are feeling better.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!

You guys are so funny:)!! Actually after eating an ice cream sudae last night, my tummy DID jump around and whine this morning!! I'm an empty stomach exerciser only if I do cardio. I have to have something in me if I'm gonna pick up a weight!!
I did hear back from the doctor today and now he says everything is fine!! Doctors Ugh!!
So I'll just keep on keeping on. What else can one do??


Hi Aimee! I just left HB. We met at DQ for our birthday celebration. Surprised MY pooch isn't whining as I had a coney dog AND a small blizzard! YIKES, but ohhhh soo good! :9 I'm glad to hear the Dr. thinks everything is fine. Do you feel fine? I sure hope so. HB & I are looking so forward to our visit with you on the 1st. Be sure to bring some pix of your competition and also your family! Can't wait!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Ha!

Hi Debbie,
I was thinking of you and HB today and your yummy DQ treats.
One of my kids was home with pinkeye, so there was no way I could have made it - glad I didn't commit and have to cancel AGAIN!!
Hope you both had fun!
RE: Ha!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-01 AT 09:09PM (Est)[/font][p]double posted again!! Having forum trouble.
I read that book several months back, and for the 20-minute workouts, they must be very intense for that 20 minutes. I think you'd see results with intense 20 min workouts, whether you work out on an empty stomach or not.

He also says that if you are unable to workout 1st thing in the morning, then to wait until 3 hours after a meal to workout. I don't think it has anything to do with morning time.
Changing my answer

I had to get up really early the other morning to get my workout done and did it on an empty stomach and felt absolutely fine. I had planned on having an apple before I started, but just didn't feel like eating that early.

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