Moms-to-be check in week of Jan. 28


I have never started a thread here, so I hope this is okay. I wanted to get this check in back in business. I know I can't be the only Cathe fan that is pregnant these days. :)

Last week, I did the following (keep in mind I am still recovering from bronchitis):

Sunday- SJP
Monday- Kick Max (kickbox segments only, repeated twice)
Tuesday- 45 minute weight workout on my own (woke up late!)
Wednesday- Low Max (only segments 4-7 due to time constraints)
Thursday- off (ill again with that horrible bronchitis of 2+ weeks)
Friday- Boot Camp
Saturday- off

This week I started off good. Today I did BM2, but skipped the upper body section (due to pulled muscle in my back from coughing so much!).

How is everyone else doing? :)
Hi Ladies -

Here is what I did last week. I am in the first trimester still (5 1/2 weeks) but have toned it down a lot just because I don't feel good when I heartrate goes up too high and I wasn't working out too regularly before getting pregnant.

Mon: rest
Tues: Buff Moms to Be
Wed: 40 min walk
Thu: Buff Moms to Be
Fri: 30 min walk (not a lot of time)
Sat: Buff Moms to Be and 40 min walk
Sun: 40 min walk
Mon: Buff Moms to Be and 20 min walk

As you can see, I am just alternating walking and the video right now. The video is pretty easy, but feels good for me right now.

I ordered a few videos they other day and should get them this week. I got Fitmama, The Perfect Pregnancy Workout (this one looks good), and Prenatal Yoga with Shiva Rea.

I am only 5 weeks along but already have a pot belly. Has anyone else had this? Maybe just water retention or gas? I am pretty tall and slim and I have seen on the internet that sometimes tall people show earlier?
Hi Ladies!

A horrible head cold kept me from doing much of anything last week and nausea seems to be creeping in now. I'm 7 weeks today and will have an U/S tomorrow. I'm feeling a little better today and might jump on the treadmill for a bit. Have a great week!

Kim - Good luck at your u/s! I have my first one next week and I am so excited. I have been really stressing out and I hope I will calm down a little bit once I see the heartbeat.
Hi everyone. :) I hope everyone is feeling okay and that Kim's u/s went okay. I have been doing better with the bronchitis and nausea, so last week was a pretty good week for me in terms of getting in some good exercise.

Sunday- BM2 (minus the upper body section)
Monday- BM2 Double Upper Body (that is killer!)
Tuesday- Christi Taylor's Still Jumpin'
Wednesday- B&G (minus the floorwork, and I did the SB ab section instead)
Thursday- another Christi Taylor aerobics video, can't recall which one right now
Friday- C&W
Saturday- off

I am noticing more trouble with using heavier weights with my upper body workouts. I seem to be getting weaker and am more tired. I also am noticing I may need to start doing abs on an incline, as it feels a bit less comfortable (I am almost 11 weeks). It's been fun watching how my body changes with this second pregnancy, and it seems to be changing quicker than the first time. I actually seem to be showing a little bit already!

I will start a new check in for this week, so we can keep the conversation going. Good to talk to everyone. Take care! :)

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