Moms-to-be Check-In week of 11/26/06


Good morning mommies,

I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I sure did, just couldn't eat as much as I normally would ;) and I had to walk around for a while after I ate, because I was so full :p , and being 4 days off was just wonderful!!!

Here are my workouts from last week, I guess I am on a 4 day workout week now, there is just so much other stuff I need to take care off, that it is hard to get in 5 workouts or I am just too tired.

Sun - CTX Kickboxing (cardio only)
Mon - off
Tue - 30 min treadmill walk
Wed - The Perfect Pregnancy Workout
Thu - off
Fri - Basic Step (wow, it felt really hard x( )
Sat - off

I am really excited, I bought the rest of the stuff for the baby that I needed and everything is washed and ready to go. So whenever she wants to come, she can, I am ready :7 .

I have a Dr.'s appointment today and they will do the Strep B test (not sure if that's the right name) today.

I have my parenting class this coming weekend and I am excited. I am taking my girlfriend with me, so I am sure it'll be fun.

Other than that, I am still feeling pretty good, but it gets a little bit harder to move around, my belly is getting big :p and I am getting tired easily. I still sleep good which is wonderful!!!
But my workouts seemed to be getting extra hard these days, but I am trying to keep up with them as good as I can.

Anyway, how are all the other preggos doing? Good I hope?

Looking forward to here from you
Have a great week
Kristine :)
Hi Mommies!

Kristine, glad to hear you had a good Thanksgiving and I'm so excited for you that it's getting so close!! I'm also in major organizing mode here. I am sorting through a couple of closets and getting the baby bedding and clothes out to wash. In a couple of weeks we'll be doing the kids' room and nursery painting and getting everything all set up. I'm so ready!! Getting ready for the baby and Christmas makes for a busy time, but I'm glad for it as it makes the weeks pass by quickly.

Tomorrow I have my 32 week check up and my first sonogram. We are going to be surprised on the sex since we found out with our other two. I'm actually taking my kids with me to the sonogram and they are both very excited about it.

I also only had 4 workouts last week, but am hoping to get 5 in this week. After a break from my prenatal fitness class at the hospital, I start back up again this week and have just 3 more weeks of that class. I'm definitely feeling more tired, and you should have seen how hard a 30min walk was for me yesterday, crazy! Here's what I was able to do:

Monday – Rest Day
Tuesday – D. Austin Fit&Firm Pregnancy (Cardio&Toning-40min)
Wednesday – Rest Day
Thursday – L. Hart FitMama (Cardio-20min)
Friday – D. Austin Fit&Firm Pregnancy (Cardio&Toning-40min)
Saturday – Rest Day
Sunday – Walk (30 min)

Have a great week everyone:)

Baby#3 due 1/22/07
Emma born 4/27/03
Alex born 9/7/01
Good Morning Ladies!

Thanksgiving was wonderful...I don't know if it's the pregnancy, but Thanksgiving dinner never tasted so good!:p

I have a Dr. appt. this afternoon, too. I'm not sure if we're doing the strep-b test, but I'm having a sono to check the size and I think I'm also having an internal exam to see if anything is going on. We'll see...

Kristine & Stacey - You guys are really on the ball. I haven't washed a thing yet, although I have pulled out some of my daughter's old clothes (I kept a box of Kleenex next to me!!). I guess everything we need is in the house, just not quite ready for use yet.

I still have 3 weeks of work leftx( so I'm kind of hoping that the little one will hold out so mommy can have a few days of rest.

Have a great week :)

Hi Ladies!!!

How is everyone? Sorry I have been MIA. We are just getting the internet working in our new home and its a wireless connection that works when it wants to.

I can't beleive our time is getting so short but I am excited! I can't wait for this baby to come out and see what he or she looks like.
And then I can't wait to do all the things I have been missing over the past few monthes. And I cant wait to try those new workouts!!! Im determined to look better then I did before getting pregnant! hahaha!!!

My weight gain is at 35 lbs now, which isnt to bad. Everyone keeps telling me I am all baby but I can see that I have it on everywhere else. The Dr doesn't think I am going to go to my due date. I don't know why he keeps saying it b/c I haven't had an internal done yet.

Anyway, I just wanted to checkin and let you know that I am still alive. I have been off of work since the beginning of Nov and I am a bit bored. Its not easy to decorate of house clean right now.
Hi Lori,

It's so good to hear from you!! I'm glad you're finally settled into your new house...must be exciting :)

My weight gain is about the same as yours. I'm so ready to get back to working out. I haven't purchased the new dvds yet..I figured I would try a few of the old rotations before jumping into the new ones.

I am getting excited though. I had my first internal yesterday and the Dr. said the cervix is softening but no dilation yet. I also had a sono and the baby weighs 6lbs. 2oz. So exciting!!

Anyway, glad to know you're doing well.

Take care,
Hi Lori!

Nice to hear from you and glad to hear your doing well. You're right about it being kind of hard to decorate or do housework, I know I really have to pace myself! As far as weight gain goes, I've gained 34 pounds! Yikes, seems like a lot, but I know I can lose it after with some hard work.

I had my 32 week sonogram and visit today and it went really well. Baby is looking very healthy and the pregnancy is progressing along as it should be.

Hope you have a great rest of the week:)


Baby#3 due 1/22/07
Emma born 4/27/03
Alex born 9/7/01
Hi Girls,

Trish, have you measured around your waist lately? I am almost 42 inches around!:eek: I am not overly disappointed with my weight gain b/c I thought I was going to gain more. I gained 20 lbs from July to Sept and I was afraid that it wasn't going to stop! Right now my appetite as calmed down quit a bit and I think I eat less now then I did before I was pregnant.
Its nice being in our new home but it doesn't feel like home yet, if that makes sense. It seems like I am in someone elses house.LOL
I wonder how big my baby is. It would be nice to know but I guess I will have to wait for the big day and then find out. 5 weeks to go!!! I can't beleive our time is getting so short.

Stacy, nice to hear things are progessing as normal. Im sure the weight gain will slow down, it as to right? hahaha Thats what I kept telling myself. Probably wouldn't help if I moved more but my back doesn't want to me to get to active. DH as a hockey party this friday night so I may paint the room down stairs while he is out. I don't think paint smells to bad and it will be a great way to pass the evening,

Anyway, I should get dinner ready I suppose. Another day punched!


:) :)
Hi Lori - Nice to see you! Great that you are in your new house now, I am sure you still have a lot to do to get everything ready for the baby.

You are all doing great with the weight gain and I know it'll come off easy, especially with the new workouts }( . I am on top of the list, I have gained 39 pounds so far :eek: , but my Dr. is not concerned at all and my blood pressure and everything is great, so I guess that's just what my body needs to gain to make a nice home for my baby girl ;) .
Good Morning Ladies,

Just thought I would check in before I start my house work! Blah! I have started a terrible habit over the last couple of weeks. When DD goes to school, I go back to bed until 10 ish. And then when I get up I am more useless then I was when I got up the first time. I just find the mornings so long when I am home by myself with nothing to do. I will do housework all morning and that should keep me busy.
Stacy, I expect to gain around 40 by the time this is all done. My dr didn't say much about my weight gain either but he did look at it and say..."how tall are you? And you have 35 lbs on now?" Then I said, "But I'll lose that pretty quickly" He knows how active I was before so I don't think he is concerned about me. I think he would have said something though if I kept gaining 10 lbs each time I went...NASTY! I just hope to atleast get a 8 lbs baby out of all of this weight gain.
DH is keeping my new workouts for me for christmas. But a part of me would like to preview them so I know what I am in for. In our other house I had my own room to workout in but I don't have a room in this one so I will either be working out in the living room or down in the dogs room. Either way...Ill be working out! hahaha

Anyway, I should get some things accomplished so I feel usefull. I may even put some christmas decorations up after dinner.
Have a good day everyone!
Hi ladies. I have jumped onto this thread once or twice, but it's been a while. We just moved, and you all know how that goes. I only see third trimester girls on are all ready to pop! How exciting! I am almost half way (18 weeks), and I can not believe it's gone by this fast. I had a bit of a scare this past weekend, and am not allowed to any impact or weighted excercises for a short time. Baby is doing great, but it's a little frustrating. I was so happy to start this pregnancy in great shape (thanks to cathe), and possibly keep it that way throughout. Oh well, enough rambling.

My question is, can anybody recomend a low impact/pregnancy workout? My last pregnancy I did some 30 year old videos that pretty much discouraged me from ALL prenatal excercise videos; I still like to work up a little sweat.

I have just been walking, and doing yoga. Yoga is tougher than I thought...woke up some muscles I have never used weight training!!
Hi There,

Glad to hear your pregnancy is going well. And if time as been going by pretty fast for you, then thats even better. It seems like I have been pregnant forever but yet, I can't beleive my baby will be here in 4 weeks! Or maybe with a little wishful thinking, he/she will be here earlier.
Im not a good one to ask about working out b/c I only worked out for the first few weeks I was pregnant and then I resorted to walking. I didn't think that I would miscarriage but if I did, I didn't want to blame myself. We had been trying for so long and this was my worst fear. I don't think I will truly relax until my baby is in my arms! LOL
Why don't you just try walking or some of cathes lower impact workouts? You could also modify some of cathes workouts and not jump around as much.

Anyway, when I got up today there was a layer of snow on the ground, which puts me in the christmas mood and makes me want to go out and do some shopping. Problem is, I have my shopping done and I am not working now so no need to waste money right? LOL
I should go get a shower and get my day started.
Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your pregnancy! Sorry to hear you had a bit of a scare, and I hope you are feeling okay now. I am doing pretty much all low impact prenatal dvd's at this point with the exception of a prenatal fitness class offered through my local hospital (might check into one in your area if that sounds interesting to you). I've actually been very happy with the dvd's I've found and the pace and intensity of them feels just right for me during this pregnancy. Here's the one's I do and would recommend:
Leisa Hart Fit Mama Prenatal workout
Denise Austin Fit & Firm Pregnancy
Quick Fix Prenatal Workout

Here are some I was doing during my 1st and 2nd trimester but had to stop doing just because I needed even lower impact. These are good ones too:
Pilates During Pregnancy with Niece Pecenka
The Perfect Pregnancy Workout.

There are reviews and descriptions of all these dvd's on in their fitness and yoga dvd section. Also, there are video clips for the first 3 I mentioned on as well as reviews.

Hope that's somewhat helpful, I know my doctor says that walking and yoga are great forms of prenatal exercise as well as low impact aerobics/strength training with light weights, and water aerobics.

Good luck:)

Baby#3 due 1/22/07
Emma born 4/27/03
Alex born 9/7/01

I'm right behind you. I'll hit 18 weeks this weekend. The first trimester my exercise routine was pretty hit and miss. I was just too tired and got as much sleep as I could. Now that I have more energy, I'm actually working out a bit more consistantly.

I really enjoy the Quick Fix Prenatal and Denise Austin Fit & Firm Pregnancy workouts as well. (I'm surprised that I really like this one - usually Denise Austin is just too perky for me.) Preggie Bellies Ball Workout is another DVD that I have that is fun for something different. I was surprised that it really can get my heart rate up just bouncing on the ball. Walking is always good but I tend to only go for walks on the weekend when I can get out while there is daylight. I still do a few of Cathe's workouts as well but I just take out the jumps and blasts and use a shorter step. My DH swears he's going to video tape me doing one of Cathe's workouts just so he can show the baby what mom was up to while I was pregnant.

Last night I had my first Prenatal Yoga Class through Community Education. I really liked it and am looking forward to the weekly commitment to just relax and do something good for myself.

I hope everyone has a great week. Good luck to all you ladies who are approaching the end. Right now it seems like I'm never going to get there but come May I'll wonder where the time went.

hi everyone:) it's so good to see how well everyone is doing with their workouts and pregnancies. I've been lying low these past few weeks and am trying to stay relaxed and focused on the good things in life. A rather bizarre incident happened to us 2 weeks ago. Someone (actually they think it was a couple of ppl) broke into our home while we were sleeping and robbed us on the first floor and then stole my car. We didn't hear a thing - and have since upped security incredibly. I just don't feel safe now and haven't quite gotten back into the swing of things yet. It's not helped by being so pregnant and housebound now (b/c I don't have my car). I am being induced next Thursday - hope everyone has a good week in the meantime.

Thanks for all the great recomendations. I went to the gym (just to see if I liked this one) and did some eliptical and some treadmil walking today. It has been such a long time...I kind of missed working out at home! Have a good weekend ladies.

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