moms to be check in Jan 15th


Active Member
Hi's the first check in. Yeah! I need something to keep me accoutable. Last week I did:

Mon: Low impact circut, cardio timesaver
Tue: 3 mile jog with my son, 2/3 of butts & gutts
Wed: Off
Thur:Kickmax (combos only), plus 15min of MIC--body max2 upper body
Fri: The firm super cardio
Sat:Low impact circut

I loooove low impact circut right now. It's definately my go-to workout these days. I am 24 weeks along, and have an 18 month old. There are lots of mommies in the first trimester right now, huh? Congratulations to all of you. :)
Hey ladies,
This will be a strange checkin. I found out I was pregnant on Thursday, so for the first part of the week I was struggling through P90X (wondering why I was so tired)... then I took a few days off..

Monday: P90X Chest Shoulders Triceps
Tuesday: Off (starting to get tired)
Wednesday: P90X Back and Biceps and taught Step Circuit class
Thursday: Taught Step Circuit class am, then went to bed!
Friday: Off
Saturday: Cathe's Low Impact Step
Sunday: Off

So basically I'm tired. I'm 6 weeks, tired, and my boobs hurt. Oh and I'm having a persistent lower back pain. I'm also told that the nausea I've managed to avoid will make it's appearance sometime this week.

I sound like I'm complaining but I'm not! I'm so happy!

I've been having the horrible low back pain as well. Last week I started the January rotation and wondered why I struggled terribly through IMAX2 as well as the rest of the week. SJP the next day needed to be modified as well as did my running. Then I found out I was pregnant on Sunday! It's still early and unfortunately I'm a habitual miscarrier, but I'm hoping....

Last week:

Sunday:45 minute interval run
Monday :Imax2
Wednesday: off
Thursday: off
Friday:35 minute interval run
Saturday: off
Sunday: PUB


Charlie 8
Isabella 3
Six weeks today and feeling pretty good. Feeling tired by mid afternoon so I workout in the mornings. And I'm up at least 1-2 times per night for bathroom trips already!

Mon 30 min intervals on treadmill
Tues off
Wed 30 min treadmill and SS(upper body)
Thurs 25 min treadmill (interval running)
Friday 30 min treadmill and modified Legs and Glutes
Saturday 30 min treadmill
Sunday 25 min treadmill and modified PP (upper body)

Be well everybody!

Hi Everyone -

Mind if I join? I just found out I was pregnant on Sunday, confirmed with blood test and doubling hormones today. I am about 5 weeks. My fitness level before becoming pregnant had dropped from advanced to barely intermediate because of a long hitatus due to crazy work schedule, so I will probably take it slow during the pregnancy for workouts and I am planning are starting with prenatal videos and walking from the beginning.

I really don't think I did many workouts last week, some walking and some yoga. I will definitely be keeping better track now.

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