Moms of Toddlers & Multiples (I promise no gushing about my kids this time!)


Hi! I would sure love to have a little check-in for those of us survivors who are trying to a) keep our physical fitness and b) keep our sanity, while rearing little ones!

I'm a morning exerciser because right now I have to be. At this time it seems like on good weeks, I get in a whopping total of TWO workouts. I would like to get in FIVE, not two. Usually the biggest Workout Plans Destroyer for me is simply staying up too late the night before I plan to workout.

What about the rest of you out there? What are your exercise lives like? What are your goals, whether vague or specific? Let's talk a little!

Gisella, 2 workouts a week is great for you, at least you are out of the workout drought. What about working out at night again?

My biggest workout challenge is motivating myself to workout while 1 kid is sleeping. My biggest challenge is working out with 2 children. I am still trying to drop those final 3 pounds, but I am hoping my body is holding onto the fat while nursing.

Alexis turns 3 tomorrow. It goes so quick. Happy Birthday as well to Bardric if Maggie is lurking here.
RE: Moms of Toddlers & Multiples (I promise no gushing ...

HI Gisela,

I can relate to the 2 workouts vs 5 workouts problem. But just remember back to when there were no workouts in some weeks!! I myself have a tough time working out if I was night-owling it, which I do alot of when DH is traveling for work.

Lately, I've been getting 3-4 workouts in. The key is having some idea of what I want to do. Usually the night before, I'll decide what kind of workout to do (i.e. Imax type step workout vs kickbox workout or weight workout.) Then on the day of the workout, I'll decide which specific workout to do. I'm trying to work abs more consistently now, so I tend to do a Coremax first, then my cardio for the day. Oh, BTW, I workout while my 20 month old twins are taking their afternoon nap. I have an (almost) 4 year old who will either watch a movie or color while I work out. Except for today, she attempted Coremax #3 with me - it was so cute. (She used her little hopalong ball as a stability ball and a mini basketball as her medicine ball.)

Here's to you and continued success with getting in those workouts!

RE: Moms of Toddlers & Multiples (I promise no gushing ...

Good morning Tricia and Shopaholic! (S.--you've been up for hours at this point, haven't you)

You're right, 2 workouts a week is a lot better than none!

I'm so dizzy at the moment: just finished the standing portion of GS Legs. Actually, I didn't *just* finish--I had to lie down for about 5 minutes until I thought I wasn't dizzy anymore. Surprise! Still dizzy! Tried to psych myself up for the floorwork anyway, but my body said uh-uh.

So that's workout #1 for the week!

RE: Moms of Toddlers & Multiples (I promise no gushing ...

Hi Gisela--we just met by e mail. I'm assuming it's not possible for your husband to watch them for an hour or so at some point during the day? So here's what I would try: Train the older child to sit and entertain herself with some special toy or box of toys or art supplies or something that she can only play with while you exercise. And contain the younger child in a high chair or something else the he/she can't escape from with something to play with or eat that is an exercise time "treat". Try just 20 minutes or so at first and work up from there. The four year old should be able to handle this, the 2 year old may or may not, depending on personality. Or maybe you could hire a neighborhood teen to watch your kids in your house while you exercise. Or maybe try late at night after they go to bed?

Plenty of times I've worked out with a howling child--if I don't exercise I'll lose my sanity. But my older ones and husband will watch the younger ones.

Hi Shopaholic--I'm back. I have not posted much in a while. I had some really acute achilles tendonitis and felt too demoralized to post much, but I am now working out upstairs on a wood floor (as opposed to concrete in our basement) and this has worked out much better. I'm 2 pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight and my weight has not budged in about a month, after a great summer. Happy Birthday, Alexis!! Is she liking her "baby"? Bardric the barbarian is loving Evangeline--he cracks her up. It's a kick.
take care
RE: Moms of Toddlers & Multiples (I promise no gushing ...

Maggie, good to see you around. I forget what day is Bardic's b-day? Alexis loves her baby but I have been noticing some jelousy issues and her acting out a little. She remains petite , is almost filling out her 2T clothes now. How old is the baby now? Ashley is already 4 months old. I too am 2 pounds away from my prepreggo weight and scale won't budge. I am thinner though than my prepreggo weight with Alexis. Any thoughts of another?
Emy, happy belated b-day to Max as well, if you are lurking here.
RE: Moms of Toddlers & Multiples (I promise no gushing ...

Last night was awful! My daughter wasn't sick, but had insomnia! She didn't fall asleep until sometime after 4 AM! My husband and I didn't fall back asleep until 5 AM! It was so weird. She's never been unable to fall asleep like that before.

Needless to say, no workout happening today.

RE: Moms of Toddlers & Multiples (I promise no gushing ...

Shopaholic--The baby is 8 months now. She has bright red hair. It took 6 tries. Bardric's birthday is on the 9th. (Alexis on the 12th or is that Max?)

Gisela--someone giving that child caffeine?:7 :7 Our 3 year old was up way late a couple of weeks ago and we wondered that very thing. It turns out that in our case someone actually had given him caffeine, in the form of "kid coffee" (a lot of milk with a little coffee--ideally, that is). I think that the "kid coffee was made stronger than usual this time. And our oldest daughter had been sharing with the 3 year old. We had to tighten the rules about who gets "kid coffee" when and how strong it can be:p :p .

take care
RE: Moms of Toddlers & Multiples (I promise no gushing ...

Maggie, Alexis' birthday was the 12th. I believe Max was the end of August.
I have 2 girls-- 3 1/2 yrs. and 14 mo.s. I have changed my workout schedule regularly over these 3 1/2 yrs as they change. Initially I did stroller/weight circuits with one baby. Then I got up early while the one baby/toddler slept. Next, I exercised while a baby napped and a toddler watched the Wiggles. Now they play together while I exercise. My exercise room is downstairs and they have a bunch of toys down there. I limit there time down there so they enjoy it for that 45-60 minutes. True, I experience interuptions, but better than nothing. I am often very tired as I have insomnia, but somehow I still get myself to do it. If only my tiredness didn't cause me to want to snack on crunchy carbs all day. I am as fit as ever (defined by strength and aerobic capacity). It can be done. Unfortunately, I am 6 pounds heavier (fat, not muscle) than pre-children.
Hi to all you other moms. I have been lucky this week, both girls have napped for most of my workout time. When the baby awakes, I put her on her gymnee mat and she remains. My other positive developement this week, is I've mastered folding and unfolding my sit and stroll stroller and my toddler is doing better in stores.
Hi to all! A little intro, 3 boys (12, 2 1/2, 10 mos). I feel spoiled b/c I've used my jogging stroller all summer to workout with. It's awesome b/c I don't feel guilty about ignoring my babes, and they get fresh air. It's perfect. My dilema is that now that it's almost October and I live in Minnesota...those days are numbered!!!!

I'm excited about doing Turbo Jam and Cathe again. My 2 year old could probably entertain himself for an hour, I'll have to figure in some sort of a nap time for my baby. Baby Jadon is not on a sleep schedule. :( I certainly have to get him in a AM nap so I can exercise before leaving for work. A 10am nap would be perfect!!!!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Not sure when I'll "EVER" work out again, lol! These days I feel like I'm just holding my head above water with my two little ones. Long days, toddlers toddlers toddlers. Well, my oldest doesn't really "toddle" anymore, but still, she's under 4.

Gisela (not around that much lately!)
I'm with you, guys!

I recently discovered the 'luxury' of an early morning workout and I'm never going back. I get up at 5:30 with my husband and this way I'm able to work out five days a week. My six year old is still asleep. My 2 yr old is usually in bed but if he gets up he has started to be more accepting of this being 'my time' and he will busy himself with toys or books or watch me work out.

I alternate cardio and weight training four days a week and do a stretch or (non Cathe) Pilates routine on Fridays.

With some diet tweaking, I'll be Barbarella-fied in no time!
Well, I am gonna gush. I have returned to the forums after almost diappearing just to gush about the latest pic of my babies (see my avatar). :)

Barbarella-fied... I like it. I am in a major funk. I have a 6 y/o and 2 y/o too and find it more difficult to squeeze in fitness. I may give your schedule a try. It may just be doable.

Thanks for the inspiration ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Moms of Toddlers

Hi friends, shopaholic, maggie, melanie, autumn and new friends! The only person I don't see is briee. She must be MIA just like I have been. Wow, autumn, that is such a pretty picture on your avatar. Did you take that one yourself?

I just wanted to say hi. We are doing well, and just moved again. We only spent one year in the last house, but we moved locally, so we only moved to a different town. Still in GA.

I think I would make time to come around here more if I didn't feel so bad about not working out much. Seriously, I get in an average of 2 workouts per week, and sometimes none at all!

I am excited for my new Cathe DVDs. I wish they would arrive in time to be my birthday present, but it seems they will not be here in time. Maybe next week...

Max is a challenge right now in that he still wants to take his nap, but instead will stay up until 10 pm or even later. He is up right now unfortunately!

And Lily is 14 months now. I love this age just over 1 year. It is the best!

Anyway, hi you all! Yep our 2 year olds are all turning 3! Can't stop the clock from it's steady march forward. I can barely remember Max as a baby now (sigh).
RE: Moms of Toddlers

Autumn, great picture!Nice seeing you here.
Emy, don't ever be embarassed to post here even if you don't work out. Alexis is like Max sleepwise. She naps from 2-4, then is up til 9:30 or 10:00.
RE: Moms of Toddlers

Thanks ladies! My DH took the pic. Photography is his new hobby.

Emy, I don't envy your move. I don't like packing. We moved 10 times or so when I was a kid and that was my fill.

I am so inconsistent with my workouts. Jordan has given up naps and that leaves little time for workouts. That is why this AM exercising may be my only chance. Uggh!

I am going to change my avatar for Halloween and dig up a pic of my as Wonder Woman. I said a long time ago I would share this pic after someone mentioned her DD was going to be Wonder Woman, but I am behind on everything. :) Anyway, I plan to do that this weekend.

What are your kids gonna be for halloween? Mine are planning on dressing as pirates. Argh!

RE: Moms of Toddlers

I think our hard drive is dying, but not yet....

Autumn--that is a gorgeous picture. What adorable kiddos.

Hi Emy--it's good to "see" you too.

I am managing to workout 6 days per week, with the help of hubby and older kids, but after a very successful summer with "eat to live", my eating is horrrrrrible. I am craving junk.

My body seems to love the size that I'm at and is totally rebeling against any effort to shrink the fat. Hey I'm still nursing--yes, that's the ticket. It's the nursing, right:7 }( :9 ?

take care,
RE: Moms of Toddlers

Autumn, great picture!
Maggie, you should be proud of yourself, with all your weight loss, but your body needs a little meat while nursing. Just out of of couriosity, how big is Alexis' internet boyfriend, she weighed in at 24.5 pounds at her 3 year check up.
Emy, how hard to move again. Never shy away from posting here even if the workouts are few.

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