Mom's 2 B Check-in week of 10/2


Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. I have to say, this had been one of my toughest weeks of pregnancy. I've been struck by insomnia that leaves me with 3-4hrs of sleep. It's been so difficult to function during the day, that I requested Ambien to help me sleep at night. Typically I'm a 10hr sleep/night 3 hrs/night just isn't cutting it. I've NEVER had insomnia before in my lift, and now I'm extremley empathetic of those who have it!!!!
Anyway, when sleep deprived I tend to get more prone to infections, colds, etc. This is why I normally protect my sleep time very tightly. I did NOT workout much, b/c I was afraid of pushing myself too hard.
I've also become more uncomfortable. My legs and lower back hurt much of the time. I'm carrying this baby lower than others. I think I"m having BH contractions (I didn't have them at all with last one).

Okay, enough whining!!!

Sun: Extrme Intervals + Turbo Sculpt
Wed: Step Jam sections 2-3 & Learn + Burn
Fri: High Step Challenge timesaver 52 min quick pick

That's it!!! Anyone have any sleep strategies that have worked for you? Please share!!!!

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]
Melanie, hope you get some sleep. I get insomnia and it stinks! First cover the clocks when you can't sleep so you can't dwell on the time. now to hear my crazy relaxztion exercise when I can't sleep. I try to name exercise videos with each letter of the alphabet! I usually take benedryl for insomnia.

I am feeling well but waking up every 2-3 hours to pee! Still no morning sickness,knock on wood! I seem to be gaining weight quickly this time and already put on about 3 pounds and my tummy no longer looks flat! Can this be?

I did a cia week.
sun-two workouts with a vengeance-hi/lo +some abs from core secrets
Mon-powerbar training
Tues-extreme intervals
Wed-pump party+strength from slammin sports cardi
Thurs-cia 220 something- step+abs
Fri-two workouts with a vevengeance-step+abs
sat-cia 9903-bootcamp workout

Due May 29.
Melanie - sooo sorry about the insomnia - that's really tough, especially when you really need your sleep at this point. I have child-induced insomnia (they've been waking up a lot at night lately :) ) so I hear you about being tired, but I don't have to deal with the frustration that goes with 'real' insomnia... Have you tried all the usuals: meditation, warm milk, warm bath, etc.? Maybe try extra vitamin B? I've used that for non-pregnancy calming purposes (like around PMS) It's probably safe while pg, but you could check with your dr.

shopaholic - your workouts are certainly impressive!!! Wonderful about the lack of m/s, too - I sure hope you miss that whole chapter of the first tri!

Pretty quiet week here - DH was out of town for 2 days, so I couldn't wo, and then I've been nauseated, esp. after work, so the workouts took another nosedive... I had some *ahem* lower intestinal issues :( , too, so maybe it's a virus, but it sure feels like m/s!!

Sunday - walk 4 miles with stroller and dog
Monday - Power Max
Thursday - walk 3 miles

I've got about 7 (maybe 6!) weeks, so I really need to get back in the swing of things quick. I was supposed to workout tonight, but DH had to go meet some friends for a beer x( and got back too late for me to do anything. I DID order two new Cathe wo DVD's though (Low Max and Kick Max) - that ought to motivate me, at least later this week when they get here!!

I had the u/s on Thursday to confirm findings at Tuesday's appt. The baby is officially small - very healthy, and not 'tiny' - just small. I loved watching the screen - the little chest was moving (breathing) hands waving, feet kicking, heart going strong and we even saw the profile of a decent head of hair :) <sigh> If all goes well, this puts me on track for a baby before Thanksgiving. I can't believe it's just next month, but at the same time, I'm really ready to meet her NOW!! :)

Hope you all have a great week - getting ready for Halloween? Who's gonna paint their belly as a pumpkin?! (Someone suggested that to me last week... :eek: ) Any OTHER creative ideas for a pregnany belly disguise? :) I saw a skeleton costume that had a baby skeleton on the belly, but I'm not brave enough to go out in a body suit...
My week:

Monday- gym for 50 minutes
Tuesday- nothing, although I walked a lot throughout the day at the office
Wednesday- Power Circuit from CTX, BootCamp Upper body
Thursday- walk 2.5 miles, run stairs along river
Friday- Crunch "yoga mama"
Satuday- nothing- drive to Chicago for wedding
Sunday- nothing- drive back from Chicago

I need to get a lot accomplished this week around the house, errands, etc. The girls need Halloween costumes, my older DD has her 5th birthday party on Sunday, my van needs an oil change (and also has a recalled seatbelt part, which needs to be fixed before I can reconfigure carseats), I want new shoes and our stupid, fancy coffee maker broke. Nothing major- but this stuff needs to get finished.

As for Halloween, I am not sure I'll be dressing up- either I'll have a new baby, or still pregnant and not in the mood to be festive. I could totally see having this baby on Halloween; I already have a Sept. 11 baby. As for new shoes, I hate my maternity clothes so much, i think new shoes may make me feel better. I'd rather spend my money on shoes than clothes i can only wear another couple of weeks.

have a good week!

Kristan, due 11-1 (or 10-31, per the dr.,), with #3
Hi everyone!

My workouts this week were:

Sun: Low Impact Step, Gym Style Legs floor work
Mon: 1 mile walk
Tue: 1 mile walk
Wed: 20 minutes elliptical, Gym Style Chest and Triceps Time Saver, Core Max stability & medicine ball section
Thu: Low Impact Step, Gym Style Back
Fri: 30 minutes stationary bike, Gym Style Shoulders and Biceps
Sat: Low Max - step portion only

I've been getting tired/out of breath with any cardio, whether it be walking or low-impact step. Hopefully this is only temporary. I took 3 days off from work last week just to get some quality rest time. I wish I could lower my hours to part-time until my maternity leave starts, but it's not financially feasible for us *sigh*.

I've been using a body pillow to attempt to get into a comfortable sleeping position. It has about a 50 percent success rate in getting me to sleep comfortably for more than four hours at a time.

A pumpkin sounds like a great Halloween costume. I've considered dressing up as a beach ball, but I have yet to figure out exactly how to accomplish that.

I hope everyone feels better this week.
Melanie I have insomnia as well. I take Ambian for it, works pretty well. I take it nights I just can't get tired on my own.

Kristan I can't believe you can still keep balanced while running up the stairs! Good for you!

Ladies your workouts look good, especially for how far along you all are.

I just came off my drugs officially this morning and we just have to wait and see what happens: further dialation or labor

Glad to hear everyone dong well.:)
Hi ladies--just a quick check in, now that we have started school, I have a lot less computer time:p

Melani--I have insomnia, but usually when I am pregnant, it is due to "hot feet"--that is the only way I can explain it. They are so uncomfortable that I have to sleep with the fan on them and it is getting a little cool here for a fan. My variation of Shopaholics suggestion is using the alphabet to think of as many attributes of God as possible:)

Shopaholic--Hurray that you have no morning sickness--I hope it stays that way too. Great workouts--I am sooo missing my former intensity.

Gracenote--I loved your description of your ultrasound. It sounds like everything is fine--just a little baby--some are (but not for me--I seem to have the opposite problem:eek:)

Kristan--I am hating the way I look in maternity clothes--not at all like the models with their sweet little almost non existant bellies. The clothes simply are not as cute on a woman with a belly the size as mine. I want to save my money for post partum clothes, anyway.

Adrienne--I can sympathize with the out of breath thing. When I bike, I watch Cathe workouts that I can no longer do with much wistfulness. Oh to do high impact again--only a few months away. I did step jam on a 6 inch step today and thought I was going to die.

Julie--YOU MADE IT!!! to 36 weeks, which was the goal, right? When did all of this start? You were in the 20's somewhere I am thinking. Do you want the baby to come quickly or are you hoping that labor holds off for a while? Keep us posted.

I am doing pretty well. Have not stood on the scales this month and probably will not until I am 2 weeks post partum, which is what I usually do. I put on a dress that I wore about the same time in my 5th pregnancy and it was much looser!! so that gave me a boost.:7

My workouts
Monday-LIS/TBC cardio/leg premix+step fit combo #2--this nearly killed me
Tuesday-bike 60 min
Wednesday-C&W+SJP step combos 1,3,and 4 (skipped the kung fu fighting one)
Friday-PS CST+30 min stationary bike intervals
Saturday-PS legs, standing+IMAX 3 step only (last time for this until post partum)
Sunday-PS BB (no abs)+30 min easy stationary bike

I hope that everyone else is doing well. Look forward to peeking in and seeing what's going on.

Julie - I'm so glad you posted. I was wondering how you were doing. I hope everything stays comfortable without the meds. I'll be looking for updates!

Speaking of updates, I had to pop in and retract the 'demon-face' comment about DH from last night. He was off today with the holiday(I had to work) and when I got home, he had totally cleaned the basement workout area so that I could be comfortable working out. :) We'd moved all the patio furniture and gardening junk in with the recent weather change and hadn't gotten it into normal storage due to time constraints, so it was just a mess to try to do ANYTHING down there. He's leaving at 3:00 a.m. tomorrow to go out of town for a few days but remembered that I had been trying to get to the clean-up all weekend, so he took care of it for me. What a sweetie... Of course, that could just be the endorphins from Step and Intervals talking :)
Julie, were you in meds to hold off premature labor?
mel, have you gotten any sleep?
Maggie, see don't listen to the doctor, especially knowing your maternity clothes are loser this time around.

My stomache has become a bottomless pit, it is sore until I eat, then needs more food about 10 minutes later. I am already up 3 pounds. I only gained 2 my first trimester with Alexis. How early did you ladies show with your second?
Shopaholic, Ambien is my friend. ;) I've been sleeping well. My dr only gave me 5 days worth. I have another appt tomorrow. My clothes got much tigher much sooner this time around. I think around 10 weeks or so I was no longer wearing my 'tigher' clothes. Now I'm just a butterball. My belly button is so big!!!! I haven't gotten an outsy before, just a stretched out belly button. I could fit a penny in it!!!!!
Hang in there Julie!! I'm thinking positive for you!

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]

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