Moms 2 B Check-in week of 10/16


Hi everyone!

Here's what I managed to do this past week:

Sun: Muscle Endurance (skipped ab section), Core Max stability & medicine ball chapters

Mon: 1 mile walk

Tue: 1 mile walk, 12 miles stationary bike

Wed: Low Max sections 1-4

Thu: 1 mile walk

Fri: CIA 2501 - Strength Toolbox (Mindy Mylrea) - Weights and Tubing chapters - followed modification exerciser. I have the red tubing, which turned out to be too tough for me right now. So, I substituted the green DynaBand (that came with the Hardcore series) where I could.

Sat: 1 mile walk, .5 mile run!
Yesterday, my husband and I were out for a walk. It started to downpour at about the 1 mile mark. I voluntarily ran to get the car. Even though I was somewhat out of breath from not running for a month, it was exhilirating. However, shortly thereafter, my right hip flexor, right heel, and lower back did not agree with that assessment. So, I decided to not finish out the planned 3 mile walk on the treadmill. I think I'll refrain from any running until my OB says it is OK to do so.

Gracenote - Were you OK wearing heels for that charity function? I'm too afraid to wear heels right now, only because I'm such a klutz even when not pregnant. :+

Shopaholic - Your workouts are quite amazing at the 8 week mark! I hope the morning sickness monster stays far away from you.

Kristan - Let us know if the acupuncture works for you again. Is it routine to have another ultrasound in the 3rd trimester?

Maggie - I am very inspired by your weekly workout list. With all that you have going on, your time management skills must be top-notch. :) How did your glucose test go? Not to scare anyone that hasn't had one yet, but that bottle of orangey liquid does not taste very good.

Melanie - I hope you are feeling much better this week. I tried the thermopatches for my rib cage and my back. The menthol was too much for my rib cage area, but it felt great on my back.

I look forward to reading everyone's posts. :D
Hi Adrienne & other mommies! Our group seems to be shrinking. We'll have to recuperate some 1st trimester moms!!! I have felt much better this week. I took it easy, slept as much as I could (which was little even with sleeping pills), and I wore a thermopatch at work. These patches are actually called: THERMOCARE BACK Patches. They do NOT contain menthol, just air activated heat. They stay warm about 15 hours or so. The back ones are pretty expensive, so I bought menstral cramp ones and just attatched it to my back. Very nice. :)
Everyone says I'm carrying low & will deliver early. We'll see. I don't think I will go early, just a feeling.

Sun: FIRM body sculpt: upper body only
Tue: Low Max 1-3 + Ab Sculpt ***
Wed: FitMama
Thurs: TurboJam Cardio Party 2
Fri: 45 min ellipical

***My back was bothering me on Tuesday but I wanted to workout so bad! I've been able to do Low Max & work up a sweat, so I put that in. Shortly into it I went to just the plateform (4 inches)...I don't think I've EVER been that low. Then I modified so much that I feel like I barely did the video. I couldn't even make it to the 4th round. I felt like such a wimp. :( I remember doing Cardio Kicks the day I delivered Justin. Each pregnancy is sooooooooooo different.

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]
Here was my week:

Monday: cardio machines at gym, 35 minutes, 15 minutes lower body machines
Tuesday: walk one mile after dinner.
Wednesday: made a decision to skip exercise in favor of vigorous floor scrubbing in the kitchen. It may have been easier to stick with a work out!
Thursday: walk 2.5 miles; run some stairs. My lungs felt very open, making me think the baby is dropping
Friday: StepMax w/u, sections 1 and 2; Body Fusion upper body add on: I found Step Max pretty doable with with modifications.
Saturday: Nothing- went to neighborhood Octoberfest and walked a bit
Sunday: Nothing yet- might take a walk after dinner.

The walking seems to bring on some pelvic pressure, which I think (and hope) is the baby dropping.

As for the third trimester ultrasound, I had one with DD#1 because she was late (biophysical profile), with #2 because DD#1 was big, and now with #3 because I'm a little nervous about the size of this baby. Since DD#1 was a c/s, and #2 was a VBAC, my ob and I will evaluate the sensibility of another VBAC based on the size of this baby as well as her position.

Kristan, due with #3 on 10-31
Kristen, good job keeping up the exercise until the end. Does the doctor think the baby is big?
Adrienne, isn't is a bummer when rain ruins a walk.
Melanie, sorry this pregnancy has been tough on you, at least you are near the end. How is fit mama? I've been curious about it.
Maggie, it is amazing how you manage being pregnant and mothering your clan and exercising too.

I was feeling nauseas last week but seem better now. My appetite seems a little less overwhelming as for the first few weeks , I was hungry every 5 minutes. I think I am starting already to look heavier. I was around hubby's family over the weekend and I am sure they guessed that I was pregnant. I am waiting to tell family til I get positive news from the doctor. I see him today and hope he hears the heart so I can start to relax.

Now to remember my workouts...

Sunday-the newest firm with allie(whatever its called)-maybe aerobic body shaping
Mon-Imax 2+cardio and weights abs
Tues-firm strength
wed-stepblast+some of sjp abs(abs have been upsetting my tummy)
Thurs-firm-vol. 3
Fri-imax 3
sat-firm-vol. 2
Shopaholic, I felt like I showed much sooner with this one, I even stopped wearing my form fitting clothes by 12 weeks. However, I think it was just me. Noone else noticed.

As for the week, I'm actually feeling BETTER! Yahoo. Pretty excited about that. My appetite has totally waned & maybe I'll lose a couple of pounds? We'll see. Did I mention 3rd trimester nausea? I haven't been too nauseated per se, but I have thrown up more in this trimester than any other? Sensitive stomach I suppose.

Kristan, so close. When's your u/s? Let us know as soon as you find out. :)

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]
Melanie, I just traded for fitmama, do you like this workout?

I saw the doctor today and he heard the baby's heart, so I am starting to relax. i go back tomorrow for an ultrasound to check on dates.

I asked the doctor about exercise, I believe he is conservative and said low impact aerobics and keeping pulse below 120. What do you ladies think? My old ob just said listen to my body.
Hi everyone. I haven't posted in a while because my workouts have been so lame. I know it's dumb not to post for that reason, I just hate to see in writing how little I've been doing. I've been stressed out about work and worried I won't finish what I need to get out of the way in time; combine that with some nasty bouts of insomnia, and this makes me less willing to take the time to exercise. Last week, I only worked out twice: Firm Cardio Sculpt and Low Impact Step. I'm back on track this week though. I attribute my fairly easy pg to maintaining regular exercise and I don't want to lose the benefits this late in the game, when I need it the most. I see what everyone else is doing at some of the hardest stages of pg (very early and very late) and it keeps me from making excuses.

Gracenote--I feel for you in your high heels. I had a job interview two weeks ago that lasted from 7:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. and involved an hour's presentation on my feet. I desperately wanted to look as professional as possible, so I too donned heels (albeit fairly modest ones--no Jimmy Choo stilletos!). It wasn't awful, but I certainly wouldn't recommend it. I won't find out if I got the position until December because they took me early due to my special circumstances (who wants an 8.5 month pg lady going into labor on their watch?). But they gotta give me an A for effort--just putting on the hose in my state should earn me a job.

I am so not ready for the baby to come, but I am no ready not to be pg. How can my stomach grow any bigger? And there's still a month to go! You know what I wish? I wish we got a one month grace period between being pg and getting the baby. Like I could have a month not to be pg and then get to take the baby home. A month to sleep on my back, enjoy a little wine, get the house ready, and be fully rested for the fulltime job of newborn care. Wouldn't that be great?

Monica, never feel embarassed to post. Any workouts while pregnant are good. It would be great to have 1 month between pregnancy and getting the baby. Amazingly, you will get what you need to done and be prepared for that little bundle.
Hi everyone--

I posted a longish post yesterday, but I do not see it todayx( and do not feel inclined to repeat it.

My back continues to be tweaky as well, so I have been doing lots on the stationary bike, but making good use of the time by familiarizing myself with the various premixes and their lengths on Cathe's dvd's. I've even been taking notes and designing new and interesting rotations, (which I will not be able to do for what seems an eternity.

My workout week
Mon-LIS/TBC lower body/cardio premix, using a barbell, instead of the stability ball
Tues- 1hr on the stationary bike
Wed-C&W compound weights and heavy weights premix+25 min stationary bike
Fri-PS CST+SJP step only
Sat-PS legs (standing, only)+30 min stationary bike
Sun-PS BB (no abs)+Power Max, sections 1 and 3--I thought I was going to pass out during section 3 even though I was not jumping at all and had to go down to the 4" platform only.x(

Shopaholic--glad you heard the heartbeat--that is always a relief.

Monica--please post and don't be embarrassed to post. My workouts look more impressive than they actually are--I am modifying a lot and I'm sure I look totally pitiful at times:p :-( :p.

Melani--sorry to hear about your back and your insomnia--I can sympathize with both.

Adrienne--I have yet to hear the results of my glucose test. They won't call me if it is negative and so far since I've heard nothing, I'm assuming that all is okay in that department.

Everyone else--a big hello!!I've got pregnant brain and simply cannot remember all the posts in detail.

Oh and my belly is so big, that I'm afraid that I am going to grow out of all the cute maternity clothes I bought a few months ago. At 29 weeks, I really don't want to buy more.

10 weeks, 6 days to go
Monica, good job on the interview. I"d give you an A for effort, that's for sure. Hope you get the job of your dreams! As far as the grace period? I think a week grace period would be good (pg & baby). Otherwise I'd still be going nuts!! You should continue to post your workouts, even when they are far & few betweeen. It would encourage others (lurkers even) ((and myself)) when they themselves haven't had great weeks. Sometimes I'm discouraged b/c my week looks so "weak" b/c everyone elses is awesome. ;)

Emy, buy new clothes. I'm so sorry I didn't. When you don't look good, you don't feel good. I actually broke down and bought two tops & pair pants yesterday and I only have a month or so left!!! I feel so good though wearing this soft shirt & trendy pants. It has really lifted my spirits.

Elyse, I borrowed FitMama from library. It's VERY low impact. Perfect for me when my back is killing me. It is not a cardiovascular workout though (which stinks b/c I'm such a cardio junkie). I think Fit42 is by far the best pg workout I've tried. Good luck with it. I hate to say anything negative & ruin your thoughts. :(

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]
Adrienne – Wow – running!! Last week, the dog got off her leash and I ran after her without thinking about it – my hips, too, were debating with me later… The charity dinner went well. My feet and back were sore the next day, but it was worth it. I love nice shoes!! :)

Melanie – Glad to hear that you’re getting at least a little rest. I think at 35 weeks, going to the platform is nothing to be ashamed of!!!! You’re still in the game, doing what you can, which is sooooo much more than a lot of people do. I think you have said in the past ‘listen to your body’ and that’s exactly what you’re doing! I just got Low Max earlier last week and I love it! Wish I’d gotten it sooner, actually. My legs are wondering what the heck they ever did to me to deserve such punishment, but I’m sure it’s worth it – on ANY step level!!

Kristan – I posted on your other thread. Hope everything is going well…

Shopaholic – You have the classic firms? I LOVE vol. 3!! It’s my old standby for when I’ve fallen off the fitness wagon because it seems to show results so fast. I couldn’t do that tall box work right now to save my life, but, boy is it effective! My OB said to do whatever I was comfortable doing, but they’re a pretty relaxed group, so I’m not sure if that’s the right thing for everyone. 120 on the pulse seems low – I think I read 140 was the old ‘safe’ standard. I use a HRM when preg, because things seem to change every day as far as effort and heartrate and try to stay below 150 (not hard lately, trust me!! I’m too tired to move some days!)

Monica – When will you know about the job? I laughed about your pantyhose comment – I didn’t mind wearing the heels as much as the pantyhose!! What a pain!! I couldn’t find any decent maternity ones, so I packed myself into a bigger size of normal ones…what an adventure!! Felt like a danged brautwurst! :)

Maggie – I agree with going to buy yourself some new clothes – really, it’s such a morale boost to have something cute, especially towards the end. Think of it as cheap therapy – the sooner you buy it, the less it cost per wearing, right? ;-)


Sunday – Walk
Monday-Tuesday – charity dinner, got to bed after midnight, up at 4:45 for work and dead tired by Tueday evening
Wed – Busy shopping day (three hours) with kids, Low Max, step only - sciatic pain is not improving...
Thursday – nothing
Friday – walk
Saturday – pulled flower beds, cleaned yard, raked leaves. Took everyone out in bad weather to walk around pumpkin farm. We were all wet, but happy with our collection!

This is my first time posting on the Mom2Be posts, but here is what I have done this week (this is week 26 for me). I am waiting to order Cathe's dvds until after the baby is here, so none of those are included. Hoping if I haven't done them before it will shock my body into some serious weight/fat loss!!

Monday - 30 minutes stair climber, 30 minutes incline walking on the treadmill. 45 minutes upper body weight training.

Tuesday - 30 minutes stair climber, 30 minutes stair climber, 30 minutes incline walking on the treadmill. 45 minutes lower body weight training.

Wednesday - 30 minutes jog on the treadmil, 30 minutes incline walking on the treadmill.

Thursday - 45 minutes spinning class, 45 minutes upper body weight training.

Friday - rest

Saturday - 30 minutes fob on the treadmil, 30 minutes incline walking on treadmill. 30 minutes lower body weight training.

Sunday - 1 hour walk

Maggie - I have the dreaded orange bottle test for my next appointment. Funny the doctor tried to tell me it tastes just like crush soda.

Gracenote- I had to retire most of my heels a month or two ago!

That is all I can remember and I cannot scroll and see all the posts like I thought I would be able to! So next time I will take notes before I start posting!!
WOW ! I am truly in awe. that sound like me before i got pregnant. so how do you feel doing it? and with the weights, what do you do so you are not on your back? do you do any core work? and, sorry, one last question, how has it changed thru your pregnancy? i am in wk 5 and am trying to keep up my normal routine. i just assume i won't be able to soon. perhaps not? thanks for any info you can give me.
For me, I had a hard time keeping up any routine from weeks 8-12, but went for walks and did what I could. I probably only made it in to the gym twice a week then. And every since week 12, I have been full of energy and loving my workouts. I am more worried about how I am going to fit in good workouts once the baby is here!!

I do all my weight training at a gym, so I have access to a lot of machines to keep me off my back during the weight training.

For my legs, I do 4 sets of lunges on each side, and 4 sets of pile squats and four sets of regular squats. Then I do the extention and curl machine. Then I lay on each side with a weighted bar to do adductor and abductor work. Then two sets of calf raises with my toes facing forward for ten, out for ten and in for ten. For lower body.

For upper, we have a cable machine at the gym that I do chest on. So I will do three sets of standing chest press there, then on a pec deck machine I do three sets of flies. For back I do lat pulls and the lawn-mower 3 sets each. Three sets of regular curls and three sets of hammer curls. Tricep dips and then extentions, three sets. Shoulders, I do 3 sets of all these bent over flies for the back portion, lateral raises for the middle and front raises for the front and then military presses.

Abs I still try to do about three days a week. Although there is not much at all left to the routine. I do a modified plank - on my elbows with my knees down and hold for 30 seconds for 3 sets. I do usually try to make it to a Pilates class each week, but I can do less and less of it, so I guess core work is pretty much lacking in my routine. I am curious what others are doing in this area???

I have good weeks and bad weeks, some weeks there have to be a few more rest days and others I don't even want my scheduled rest day. I just listen to my body, but I have been so lucky that for the most part my body still really loves the workouts. I am sure I am getting close to the point that I will have to slow down a little more soon! Hope your pregnancy goes as smooth as mine has!!
Gracenote, I love my firms and have all the classics and most of the others.
Morris, welcome ! Modify when you need to.
Anette, welcome and good luck with the glucose test.
Maggie, hope you are feeling in less pain.

I've ignored my doctor and am just listening to my body now.
Gracenote--You are in the final stretch--hurray!

Welcome, Annette and Morris--keep posting.:7

Shopaholic--glad you are feeling better (morning sickness sucks). My back pain is okay, as long as I do a lot of my cardio on the boring stationary bike.

take care all
thanks for all the info

i am on vacation now with my inlaws - we just told them we are pregnant. now, not only am i stressing about staying fit as long as possible, but trying to fit it in and avoid disapproving looks, that is tough. i am really just listening to my body. i feel good exercising, then good resting.

have you done the boot camp video? i think that may be my next purchase. anyopne have any thoughts, especially on how modifiable it is?
thanks for all the info

i am on vacation now with my inlaws - we just told them we are pregnant. now, not only am i stressing about staying fit as long as possible, but trying to fit it in and avoid disapproving looks, that is tough. i am really just listening to my body. i feel good exercising, then good resting.

have you done the boot camp video? i think that may be my next purchase. anyopne have any thoughts, especially on how modifiable it is?

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