Moms 2 B check in Feb 27


Good Morning everyone.

Well, here's what I did this week....

Sun: Step and Int/Stretch Max #1

Mon: Power Circuit

Tue: 10*10*10

Wed: L&G Standing Leg Premix

Thu: SJP Step & Hi/Lo Premix/Biceps and Shoulders from CTX/StretchMax #3



I was tired and in a very off mood on friday so I decided to deem it my rest day but then yesterday I just never got around to exercising either.:-( GOTTA do it today. Today is the start of a new rotation so hopefully that will inspire me to get my butt back in gear!:)

Haven't seen Wendybdh around at all lately...not here or the open discussion forum...I hope she's okay...anyone know??

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Hi Wendymin! Great job on finishing up your ctx rotation! I look forward to seeing what you plan for your next rotation. As you already know, my week went something like this:

MON IMAX3 (very modified)
TUES KickMax warm up & combos only; Timesaver #5 (lower body weights)
WEDS Step Fit
THURS - SUN bedrest

Being inert when not feeling sick sure does make me feel awful. But it's for the best cause in the world, so I'm trying not to complain :)

Wendybdh has been out of town for a few days, Wendymin. Hopefully she'll be rejoining us soon.

Have a good week everyone!
I had a week off for spring break this week, and so I had lots of energy to try some of the new Hardcore videos. Her's my week:

Sun. Cathe Gym Style Legs
Mon. Cathe Low Max (no intervals)
Wed. Cathe Muscle Max
Thurs. Cathe Basic Step and Stretch Max #2
Sat. Cathe Body Fusion (15 min. of Step) and Stretching

Have a great week!

Jennifer V
33 weeks:7
You're workouts put me to shame. Hopefully once I get out of the first trimester I'll feel better. Here are my workouts for the week:

Sun - none
Mon - none but played in the snow (mostly sled riding) for 1.5 hours with my son
Tues - 45 min cardio (bike & treadmill)
Wednesday - 45 min cardio (bike & treadmill), PUB (pyramid up only) and #2 from StretchMax
Thurs-Sat none
I went on a couple of walks.

I also had some nasty contractions... Went to the OB Thurs and was told that I'm 1cm dialted and that the baby "could come anytime". My 1st was a 35 weeker...

In any event, most of my spare time is spent cleaning, etc. I'm still working too...

I hope that this little one waits just a little bit longer! I'm hoping to entirely avoid the NICU this time around! (DS #2 came @ 38 weeks and had a much easier 1st few weeks than his big brother did. I keep telling this baby that! I hope she's listening!!!)

35 weeks

PS. Ya'll are doing GREAT with your workouts!!!
Hi Everyone! Boy, did I have a week! Exercise wise, I didn't do much:
Firm-Tough Tape 2-Sunday
Monday: Walk-30 min
Wed: Tough Tape 2
Thurs: off
Fri: off
Sat-my shower

On Saturday, my sister had my shower for me (out of town). It was very nice, and we got a lot of great things. That night, however, I was struck with the stomach virus. I was staying at my sister's house, and I woke her up in the middle of the night to let her know I didn't feel well. She said her family had this last week, so if I started to throw-up, she would take me to the hospital that she works at (she is a dr., thank God). Well, before long, she was driving me and my DH to the hospital (1/2 hr. away). I made it there, somehow, without getting sick in the car. Once I was there, I was hooked up to monitors to check on the baby, and everything was fine. I was then hooked up to IV and got "fennerin"(not sure of spelling) to help the nausea go away (it took 4 doses). Finally, at 3:00p.m., the next day, I was discharged. My DH and I came back to where we live. I feel much better today. Yesterday, I didn't go to work, and of all days, that was the day they had my surprise shower (and one for another co-worker). The only problem I have now is swelling in my legs. I go to the dr. on Thursday, so I will definitely mention this to him. I also called the dr. yesterday to tell them about what had happened over the weekend.

Hopefully, this week is a much healthier one!
Awww Jen. That stinks.

I'm glad you are feeling better though and that everything turned out okay...

Let us know what the doc says about the swelling in your legs...

Take care of yourself!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
It still amazes me every week how you ladies can workout like you do. Last week I worked out once, twice if you include this past Sunday.

Monday - walked on treadmill
Sunday - weight lifting on my own

I think that my weight training is triggering my migraines because within 24 hours of lifting weights I have one. Yesterday I had to go home 1/2 day sick from work because of a migraine. I went straight to bed and slept if off, but from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed I had a constant headache. I had to hang out in my room so I could get away from DS's loud voice. I really hated doing that.

On a brighter note tomorrow morning is my next doctor appointment. I have to take the glucose test as well. My dr appt is not until 8:40, but I plan to be there by 8 to drink the stuff and then after I'm finished with my appointment I can have them draw the blood. No need wasting more time than I have to.

Well, I've gotta get some stuff wrapped up here at work. I hope everyone is having a great day.
Since I was borderline for gestational diabetes with my first pregnancy my ObGyn likes to check early. However, even if the numbers are fine then I will still need to take the test again at 28 weeks. With DS's pregnancy, even though I was borderline, I still had to follow the special diet and check my glucose 4 times a day by pricking my finger and checking the blood. Hopefully I won't have to do this again this time around. It got old really fast. I don't know how diabetics do it on a daily basis.
Hi all,

I had a good week last week. I can't remember the exact workouts I did on each day. (I have that written out at home). I concentrated on a lot of yoga since my hip has been bothering me and the yoga postures are really helping to lessen the pain.

I did Yoga for Your pregnancy (relaxing section)(two times), Crunch Yoga Mama, and 10 min. sol. targeted toning arms. Also on Saturday I cleaned up around the house and that was a workout.

I am taking it easy this week until I go for my ultrasound and make sure that the baby is ok.

I heard the heartbeat!

I'm so excited. I got to hear the heartbeat! That is such a relief to me. Now the next milestone will be finally leaving the 1st trimester behind.

My doctor appointment went well this mroning. Besides hearing the heartbeat the appointment was pretty much over. Nothing to really talk about with the dr since I've been here before. Same old stuff. I did get my blood drawn for the glucose test. Hopefully everything will come back normal. I guess I'll know if a couple of days.

I hope everyone is having a great day!
RE: I heard the heartbeat!

Great news Kristi!!! What did the dr say about your bleeding over the weekend? Anything to worry about? I hope your glucose test indicates all is well in that regard, too! I'm really looking forward to the end of this week, too. It will be a huge relief to say goodbye to the first trimester! I am really looking forward to actually looking pregnant, instead of just looking like I've gained weight!

I phoned my dr yesterday and informed her that unless I hear back from her, I intend to start doing some light activity this week. Her nurse phoned me back and reluctantly conceded that I can do things such as walk across the street and pick up my daughter from the daycare, but I can only stand or walk for very short periods. She wants me to remain like this until my next u/s on March 16!! This seems extremely over cautious, IMO, considering everything has been completely normal since the day after the bleeding episode. I can't stay in the house for 3 weeks straight; I will go stark raving mad.

I'm glad you heard your baby's heartbeat! That's very exciting indeed!

RE: I heard the heartbeat!

>I phoned my dr yesterday and informed her that unless I hear
>back from her, I intend to start doing some light activity
>this week. Her nurse phoned me back and reluctantly conceded
>that I can do things such as walk across the street and pick
>up my daughter from the daycare, but I can only stand or walk
>for very short periods. She wants me to remain like this
>until my next u/s on March 16!! >

I had to spend some time "off my feet" during this PG. I hated it too but did it to be on the safe-side. I think the recc was to spend at least 12hrs on my left-side during every 24hr period and not to be standing for more than an hr at a time.
Good luck! I'm glad that your bleeding went away. March 16th will be here before you know it!
35 weeks
RE: I heard the heartbeat!

Thanks for the words of encouragement Michele! I'm so glad your pregnancy continued! Only a few more weeks! You must be very excited? Nervous? TIRED?? :)

Take care!
RE: I heard the heartbeat!

>Thanks for the words of encouragement Michele! I'm so glad
>your pregnancy continued! Only a few more weeks! You must be
>very excited? Nervous? TIRED?? :)

Both nervous and tired! But, I'm finally ready mentally!
Please post your US results on the 16th!
RE: I heard the heartbeat!

Sandra, Sorry I haven't been able to get back with you sooner. Work has been so hectic and I haven't had any time to respond. Girl we are almost through the first trimester. YEAH!! I'm so ready to really look pregnant too. I can't wear jeans anymore and nothing is fitting for work. Too bad I can't wear sweat pants. How is bed rest going? I did read that you have to be on bedrest until March 16. That really bites, but it will be well worth it just for the piece of mind that you are doing everything the way the doctor prescribes.

I guess the doctor didn't think anything of the bleeding since she never said anything. It was minimal and went away quickly. Hopefully by next week I will have my glucose test results. If I have to do the special diet then so be it. It could always be worse. Besides anything for a healthy baby. At least the diet kept me from gaining lots of weight last time. Speaking of weight I'm happy to report that I only gained 1 pound since my last dr appointment. Not bad considering how I haven't be eating totally clean and my exercising has been sporadic. I'm really trying to find the energy for the workouts, but this week I've been wiped out. Maybe in the next week or two I will get more energy.

Right now I am thinking about how I will be on a Bahama cruise this time next week. I can't wait. DH and I have been married almost 8 years, but never got to go on a honeymoon. So this is our honeymoon, minus the expense since his work is paying for the trip. What an extra bonus! My big problem is absolutely nothing fits me. I had to buy some ugly shorts just so I could have something to wear. The selection out right now is very limited. My only other option is the drawstring maternity shorts I have coming sometime early next week. Maybe they won't look maternity and I can get away with wearing them early. I also need to buy a bathing suit. Can you say cellulite? Pregancy always brings it out more in me. Thank goodness for coverups.

Well, gotta get back to work. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. It is beautiful and sunny here. Too bad it isn't warm too!
RE: I heard the heartbeat!


try, they have a great selection of summer (maternity) clothes on sale right now! cute shorts....they have maternity clothes for all stages of pregnancy.

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