Moms 2 B check in feb 20


Good evening ladies.

I'm a tad bit late with the check in today!

Here's my week in review:

sun: Step and Intervals

mon: Power Circuit (no ab work)

tue: W/U & biceps from Kickbox
L & G Standing Leg premix

wed: Lowmax step combo only premix
Triceps from 10*10*10

thu: SJP Step only premix
Shoulders from Allstep
stretchmax # 1

fri: KPC cardio conditioning premix
Leaner Legs
Stretchmax # 3

sat: REST

All is going well here. Next doc appt in a few weeks. Getting ready to start my 3rd trimester! OH MY! Time is just flying by!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
good morning!

wendy, you continue to amaze me each week.

tues...went for a walk
wed. s&h tri & bi
thur. nothing
frid nothing
sat. treadmill

all is well on my end, have my 2nd doc appt. on wed. hopefully i should be able to hear the heart beat!! i am now entering my second trimester....wooooooohooooooooooo!!!
Hi there, active mothers-to-be!

Last week I did.....

MON Step Jam; PUB
TUES SJP Step; PLB Standing Legs; BS/BF abs
WEDS KickMax
THURS High Step Challenge
FRI Low Max
SAT Step & Intervals; Power Hour
SUN rest

I also did a Stretch Max segment every day.

Have a great week!
EDD Sept 18/05
Hi everyone!

I think I spent more time previewing the new Cathe workouts than actually doing them this week!!!

Mon. Cathe Supersets
Thurs. Cathe Gym Style Back, Shoulders and Biceps
Fri Cathe Gym Style Chest and Triceps
Sat. Walking

I tried Low Max today and I'm so thrilled that I can actually do the step portion with very little modifications! I'm definitely incorporating more into my routines, as I'd like to do more cardio.

Have a great week!

Jennifer V
32 weeks:7
You ladies are awesome! I love seeing how much you all are keeping up with your workout schedules.

Well this week is like the others, not much to report exercise wise.

Monday - walked 45 minutes on treadmill
Wednesday - walked 25 minutes on treadmill

I did finish previewing all of my HC DVDs though. On Friday I had a message on my answering machine from my ObGyn office that I needed to call them about my blood work that I had at my last appointment. Come to find out the blood work is fine but the urine sample I gave them showed I have an infection so now I have to take an antibiotic 3x a day for 7 days. At least maybe that will explain some of the fatigue and sickness I have been experiencing for the past 2-3 weeks.

On a brighter note, next week is my next dr appointment. Maybe I will be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. However I will only be 11 1/2 weeks along at that time so I don't know if that is too early to be detected even though it should heard by week 12. I guess I will wait and see. The first trimester is almost over. I will be so relieved when it is.

I hope everyone has a great day!
Hi all! Good to hear from everyone. I had a bad week last week. I caught this cold that was going around and could do absolutely nothing! It was a chest and head cold so I was coughing and blowing my nose all week! I am finally starting to feel better so I plan to ease back into exercising this week. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be back on schedule.

On Sunday, we went to our first childbirth class. It was pretty good except for the video! I can't believe we have to go through all that. I am still in denial! My husband found it very interesting. It was all new information to him since he hasn't been reading as much as I have.

See you all next week,
Hello! I am over my cold, so I have been exercising more. Imani, I know just how you feel-I was like you last week. And, last week, we finished our childbirth classes-I know what you mean about "the video"! I just now am able to watch "Birth Day" on Discovery Health. I used to watch it before I was pregnant, but when I became pregnant, I was in denial too and got too scared when watching it.

Here is my week:
Sun: Walk-30 min.
Mon: EFX at gym-30 min
Tues: off
Wed: Firm-Tough Tape 2-45 min.
Thurs: KPC-30 min
Fri: Fitmamma-light cardio portion-25 min.
Sat: Bowflex workout-upper body-20 min.
Sun: KPC-30 min

*Yesterday, I was on the go all day. I was in a car for most of the day, and I went to a friend's baby shower with another friend. By the time we got home, my legs ached so bad, and my ankles were SO swollen!!! I put my feet up, and my DH rubbed my feet, ankles and legs. That made them feel better. As soon as I got up today, I put on my support knee-highs, and my legs/ankles felt good for most of day. About an hour ago, they began to get swollen again. I put them up, and it seemed to relieve the swollenness (if that's a word). I remember my sister's ankles got like this in the end. Are any of you experiencing this? Needless to say, I did not do any exercise today. Hopefully, tomorrow, they will feel better and I can get at least a walk in.

Have a good and healthy week (no more colds!!!).
Due 3/31
Congratualtions ladies, you are awsome.
Great workouts. I couldn't make it that good. I had my baby 2 weeks ago and I'm looking forward to recover so I can start seriously working out.
You are going to have less than me to loose after giving birth, GOOD JOB!
Jen, I got seriously swollen feet and ankles with my first daughter, in the last trimester. It was awful! I have the good fortune of having a DH who happily massaged my feet for a good hour or so every night, as long as there was something good on the telly. That always helped bring down the swelling a little bit. Within days of having the baby, my feet went back to normal. It sure was uncomfortable, though! Only one more month........

EDD Sept 18/05
Hi ladies. I had a pretty uneventful last week. I am so sick - I have nausea from the time I wake up til the time I go to bed. I'm tired but the nausea is way worse then being tired.

Monday: 30 min on the treadmill, 15 minutes lower body weight lifting
Tuesday: walked 3.5 miles outside
Wednesday: 25 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes weight lifting, total body
Thursday: 45 minutes cardio (treadmill & bike)
Fri-Sun: nothing

I keep telling myself that it will get better. I cannot stand feeling this sick all the time. Hopefully once I'm out of the first trimester things will ease up for me.

Have a great week everyone!
I did a whole lot of nuttin'!!x(

I'm so exhausted from work and not being able to sleep.

You ladies are amazing! I'm so impressed!

34 weeks
Hi Jen!

I too have sore legs at the end of the day, especially after a day of teaching. Fortunately, no swelling yet, but I have sore legs and pelvis from the extra weight I'm carrying. Oh, and I forgot to mention many constant aches in my ribs from baby pressing up on them. Do I really have two more months of this?????

Take it easy, and stay off your feet as much as you can (easier said than done, I know!) You are blessed to have a very considerate husband/massager !:)

Jennifer V
32 weeks
>I did a whole lot of nuttin'!!x(
>I'm so exhausted from work and not being able to sleep.
>You ladies are amazing! I'm so impressed!
>34 weeks

I hear you Michele. When I work I can only get three days of strength in, and cardio usually falls by the wayside. I tell myself going up and down all those stairs at work, and teaching young students exercise enough in my pregnant condition. You do what you can!

Jennifer V
32 weeks:7

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