Mommies to be check in Aug. 22nd


Hi all! I'd thought I'd start the check-in, even if it is already midweek. :) Hope you all are doing well! I went on vacation last week and had a good time. Unfortunately, I didn't eat very well and gained 3lbs. x( I am NOT looking forward to my check-up tomorrow. Unless I really watch what I eat and cut back on my calories (which you aren't supposed to do), I have a tendency to gain a lot of weight with my pregnancies. Very frustrating!

Anyway, I did get in a hour walk Sunday, Turbo Jam CP1 yesterday and Body Fusion today. I am already feeling winded more and more as the days go by. I am trying to get to the 3rd trimester before moving down to the prenatal videos, but I'll have to see how it goes.

Let me know how everyone is doing! :)

#3 edd 1/6/08
Marsha - don't feel bad, You were on vacation! I hear you on the getting winded more quickly. I feel like this little guy has already taken over much of my lung area, cannot imagine what I am going to feel like by the end!

I have not been able to work out regularly this week. We are finishing the basement so I have lost all my workout equipment and space, until October. So unless the weather is decent and my husband is home (which these two things don't seem to be happening at the same time ever), I cannot go for a run or walk. So I got in a run last night, and some weights on Monday and other than that nothing. Hoping the rest of the week is better!

#2 edd 12/14/07
#1 born 1/26/06

Is it over yet? I'm so squished and tired . . . 38 weeks should be the cut-off date for pregnancy . . .

I'm just sitting and waiting for this little one to pop out. In the mean time, I'm sooooo ready to deliver. I think I'm going to skip working out this week. I'm just plain exhauted. I'll workout Saturday and Sunday, and then I plan to walk every day next week (maternity leave starts then) in hopes that this baby gets pulled out with the aide of gravity!!!!! Eeek!

I can also agree with the exhaustion statement. I am 25 weeks and i am sooo fatigued by the time i get home from work i cant do much besides put my feet up. I am on my feet all day anyway so that may not be a bad thing. I feeling the tiredness come back like before. for the most part i have felt pretty good. I have still been trying to work out every other day to the low impact work outs by cathe, or walking ect. So far so good.

Hey all,

Sounds like you guys are doing well. Not much time to workout here, we're looking at homes and trying to get it all wrapped up by the time we deliver in early's been a very stressful few weeks!

I've been feeling HUGE, I'm 28 weeks, just had an appt today and found out that I passed my glucose challenge -- yayyy!!! But...I've had a "growth spurt" and I gained 8lbs in 5 weeks. Oy!! It totally bums me out. My midwife says I look great and am doing well, but she warned me that this is a growth spurt month and the baby will double in size. Yikes! More weight to carry around. :-(

I haven't changed my eating habits so that doesn't explain the gain, I've been eating healthy overall -- and drinking TONS of water. But I've had to cut back on workouts so it's just been walking, exercise ball aerobics and floor work with bands plus light weights. Still feeling "firm" just much bigger...and I've had some swelling which has slowed me down. The soles of my feet hurt. I guess they were right when they said the 2nd tri was a honeymoon phase! Now I just feel preggo all the time.

Chrissy, I hope you go soon. If I'm only 28 weeks and I feel this way I can only imagine how you must be feeling -- hang in there you're getting close!! :)

Chrissy, I pray that you quickly give birth to this child. My friend is also at 38 weeks. She's been dilated to 4 cm for several days and still waiting. She is so impatient now!

Steph, yes, this is the growth spurt time. I think you and I are a few days (maybe a week apart--my due date is Nov. 18). I am just entering trimester 3 (by the way, when exactly does trimester 3 begin--at 27 or 28 weeks?). From Friday to Tuesday of last week, I gained 3 pounds. My weight gain for the last two months was 14 pounds, but my doctor said that was okay since I gained only 4 pounds in the first 4 months of pregnancy. But I can relate when you say that the weight gain really takes off about this time. I'm up to 18 pounds now total. It would be horrifying to me if I earned those 18 pounds eating junk, but I've been eating clean and nourishing foods, so I'm guessing that it is good weight gain. In the end, I think that this is what we need to focus on in pregnancy--getting our calories from healthy foods and worrying about the weight later.

On another note, hubby and I are beginning week 3 of a 12-week course in the Bradley Method of natural childbirth. I just love this approach. It really gives the husband (or friend, mother, etc. if there is no husband) a primary role in the birth and takes a lot of pressure off of the laboring mother. It's been good for our relationship as well since it gently teaches the men what women like and don't like, what to say and what not to say, what to do and what not to do. That said, I know a lot of men who might not go for it. Thank God, my husband is not one of them.

Best wishes to all in surviving the minor annoyances and celebrating the joys that accompany each week of pregnancy. Apart from the heartburn, frequent urination, and swollen ankles, I am relishing the movement of my baby within me and am trying to remember these joyful moments forever. Such intimacy is a miracle. That said, I know I'll be ready to give birth like Chrissy when the time comes.

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