Mommies-to-be check in - 11/1


Hi all,

I noticed no one started a thread this week so I thought I'd jump in and start one. Last week was less than average. I only worked out twice and had a huge migrane headache on thursday that completely knocked me out all day. I very rarely get migranes but my doctor says that the fluctuations in hormone levels could cause migranes. Thankfully it went away by friday.

On friday I had my second doctors appointment. She tried to listen for a heart beat with the Dopplar thing but couldn't find it. I was a little worried so she did a quick ultrasound and everything looks fine. The baby is now a little over 7cm, which is double what it was two weeks ago! It is so amazing how this whole baby thing works.

Well that's about all for me. I hope everyone is doing well. Don't forget to check in!


14 weeks
Hi! Thanks for starting this. I actually did a really long post for this week the other night (on Monday), and I thought I posted it. But, when I went to check who had checked in, it wasn't there. I have no idea why? We have been having trouble with our computer, though.

Imani, I am glad that you were able to find out that everything was o.k., I would have been scared too. I am a little stressed out due to my job (I am a school teacher). I have a real pistol in my room who has been hitting lately (he hit me last Friday, in the arm). Today, he was suspended for hurting a classmate. I just don't need this stress right now;(

Well, I am off to the gym. I just need a workout, and it is way too dark to walk. I miss the sunlight.

Take care!
19 weeks (starting 20th week tomorrow).
Hi Ladies!


I don't get migraines, and I usually don't get headaches often. Since pregnant though, I have headaches 2-3 times a week. I had read that frequent headaches or migraines are common in pregnancy.
My workouts were few again last week.

Sun. Gardening (I was breaking a sweat!)
Tues. Walk with husband
Thurs. Cathe L&G (modified, of course)

I hear you concerning the stress. I'm glad your student was suspended. Students need to know as early as possible that physical aggression is not tolerable. Right now I'm dealing with 2 bullying students in my grade one class. Tommorrow I have parent-teacher interviews after school. It will be a loooooong day... next week I have interviews for my grade two students. Oh boy!

I had my 2nd doctor appt. Monday. The heartbeat this time was stronger and seemed louder. I have yet to have an ultrasound- my appointment is almost three weeks from now. I can't wait!

16 Weeks


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