Mixed gender workouts


In reference to the Boot Camp workout, I have found that it is now not just myself who is on the Cathe fitness band wagon in my home but also my Dad! Not one for gym workouts (in fact, I don't think he has even been to a gym in his life!)it wasn't until he had noticed the guys getting physical in Boot Camp that he thought he'd give it a go and he hasn't looked back since! I think having the guys joining the team in Boot Camp has broken an unsaid stigma relative to Cathe workouts that it's just for girls, as to my knowledge, this is the first Cathe workout I've seen where it's a mixed gender team. I realise that despite an all girl team the doors are still open for anyone to participate in the workout yet I think it is encouraging for men to see that these workouts aren't just geared towards the female population. And hey, how could us girls complain about seeing those boot camp guys in future Cathe workouts!?!

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