Misery loves company


Hi ladies,

I am almost 7 weeks pregnant and I am completely lacking in any energy or motivation to work out. It has been 5 years since my first pregnancy and I just don't remember it being this bad.

The nausea and fatigue is overwhelming. I am trying not to complain, because the journey of TTC was not easy and I have had 2 m/c in the process. I just feel like a real sloth right now. I also have a cold, so that isn't helping.

I just keep telling myself that it is okay to take some time off and that it will get better and maybe I can do a workout in a day or two. I haven't done any since Saturday.

Anybody else feeling this way too? I read the pregnancy check-in and I get depressed because of the workouts that some of the pregnant ladies are managing. I am jealous.

Thanks for empathizing!


EDD #2 10/3/06
I was a totally useless person from week 5-8! I was SSOOO tired, went to bed at like 7 or 8! I perked up after that and was able to resume working out pretty regular, at least 2 times a week but more like 3 times a week. Congrats on your pregnancy, it'll get better! :)
Tina--you are in survival mode now. Just do what you need to do to get through this phase of your pregnancy. Your fitness will come back, when you are able to resume workouts. I really believe the body remembers. So just don't stress and don't compare yourself to others.

The first trimester is definitely the hardest. Hang in there.


I am SO with you, girlfriend! I am 9 weeks pregnant with my first and I am so fatigued and nauseous. I was squeezing in only 3 workouts per week up until last week when I started to catch a cold. I haven't worked out at all for the past week and I feel like I might be on the verge of a sinus infection! This is my first post on the pregnancy site because when I look at the check-in's for the mom's to be, I get jealous, too! I really want to get over this cold, get my energy back and stop feeling nauseous so I can workout again.

Thanks for sharing because now I realize I am not alone!

Thanks ladies. You do make me feel better. I know this phase will pass, but I feel better if I complain a little.

Karen, hang in there and post often. It makes me feel better too when I know someone else is experiencing the same things.

Hi Tina!
I just wanted to try and encourage you not to worry about it!! I know it's tough when you read about a lot of other pregnant women keeping up with great workout routines!! I'm the same way, and I'm in my second trimester. I just tell myself that my body is letting me know it needs some rest, and really it's only for a short period of time in the big scheme of things! Your lack of energy and motivation is encouraging you to relax and rest, which your body needs. You have a great outlook on how important excercise is, so I'm sure you're going to get some during your pregnancy - it really doesn't have to be a lot! Even walking is great - and believe me, that puts you ahead of the game then many others out there!
Good luck!
I was the same way. I barely got in two workouts a week until approx week 12. I then slowly increased my workouts as my nausea and fatigue were finally gone. I am in week 20 now and feeling great and working out 5 times a week.

My pregnancy with my first daughter was 6 years ago and I felt great the whole time. Never sick a day, hardly tired. This one sure is different!

Things will get better!


Girl #2 due 6/25/06

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