Mindy's Awesome Intervals and Interval Express


I usually lurk, however I just wanted to know if anyone has used these videos and how they compare to Cathe's. Also if any has Janis Safell Brand New Butt Plus Pilates and how that was. Just thinking of what to as dear hubby for Christmas. I am still anxiously awaiting my new BB DVD's though but just thinking ahead. Thanks in advance.

Hi Phyllis,

I used both the Mindy's you mentioned. I love her interval stuff. Its pretty intense, but maybe not quite as intense as the Cathe's. She uses a lot of athletic moves and I love the music. Mindy is an instructor that I find most people either love or hate. She is very talkative and loves to get silly. I find her extremely motivating and a blast to do!

Have you done any other of her videos? If not, maybe start with one and see if you like her style!


Mindy's videos are tremendous. I really enjoy them & find them comparable to Cathe. Keep in mind that she is NOT Cathe ... Cathe's the best. Mindy's the 2nd best in my opinon. I also have Janis' videos. I like her kickboxing videos but all other videos seem to be at a beginners/intermediate level & I have never found them challenging enough.
Hope this helps.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi guys,
Thanks a lot for your answers, I think I will just get the Awesome Intervals and see if I like her style.

Phyllis, Awesome Intervals is a pretty sloppy tape, and the bad cuing might get on your nerves. Instead I would recommend Interval Express, which is really great. There are some good reviews on videofitness.com that will give you the scoop.
Funny - I loved Awesome Intervals. The warm-up was a bit hard to get, and you are right - she's not a perfect cuer like Cathe, but the workout is a 10 for fun factor as far as I'm concerned. Love the music too. Its like a step tape - a couple of the sections might take a little bit to get (not the blasts though - those are clear! lol), but its definitely worth the effort.

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