MIC made me cry!


New Member
Does anyone have any advice on this workout? I have had it since it came out and I have always split it up, but today I tried to do it togetehr. I've been really wokroing on my cardio endurance lately and trying to work out longer, and thought I should be able to get through it. BUt by 20 minutes into the Hilo I was crying! (I know that's crazy). I was determined to keep going, but then I realized I was crying while working out, so I stopped and did a Tae Bo Basic.
Does it get better? I really want to make it through this!
Sarah E.
Hang in there, Sarah

I think we've all had workouts like that. You'll get there. Maybe you need to set a goal of doing a certain number of minutes, increasing the number of minutes each time. Pace yourself, and listen to your body. You might also want to try mixing up your cardio by trying some powerwalking and running, and even swimming if that's an option. Be patient and you'll get there soon.

Also, this is a pretty stressful time of year, so that might be a factor as well. Keep at it, and challenge yourself, but don't kill yourself.

Good luck!
Use Interval Max would be my advice. It is easier to modify and the interval training really does improve your cardio endurance quickly. I too had to split up MIC but I am convinced that when I started incorperating Imax into my routine regularly it improve my endurance level to the extent of being able to get through the whole of MIC and also the whole of Bodymax. And they are all such fun workouts. Hope this helps.
I am an advance exerciser, however I am new to the Cathe tapes, and this is my first tape I have ordered, and trust me, I barely made it through the workout, and I mean barley, what I did toward the end of the step workout was modify it a little, what also help was - I thought the step portion was a lot tougher than the floor, so I fast forwarded it to the step routine, did that first then rewinde it to the floor aerobics, and I was able to get through it much better.

Hang in there, you'll get through, try switching what part you do first and hopefully that will help you.

I must also add that you need to this tape on a day that you have a lot of energy!!

I agree with mrskitmac to do IMax and Bodymax. I'm not as advanced as most of the girls on this site but these two videos helped me complete MIC. Boy did I ever feel an accomplishement!
When you do it once, it will get easier. Really!

Wanda who is almost healed from her hamstring injury and will be up to full speed next week. Yea. :-jumpy
Oh my dear Sarah, I can sympathize with you. Ive been doing Cathe for a while, am an advanced exerciser, and was feeling really energetic yesterday so I did MIC. The hi-lo section is so difficult, I have to modify towards the end, without a doubt, a "10" on the perceived excertion scale. I cant believe how Cathe is still able to talk during this portion. But take a look a the ladies in the background. Towards the end of hi-lo, the smiles on their faces have pretty much been replaced by some heavy breathing. I keep telling myself that the hi-lo is almost over, then you get a break, then I can make it through the step portion. This tape in my opinion, is THE most difficult cardio tape. I even felt a little nauseated at one point, thought I was gonna have to stop. So, dont be discouraged, tackle it a little at a time, or modify when needed. Happy Holidays! Judy
THank you all!

IT sure did help to get all of your feedback. I mean, I knew this tape wasn't easy, but I really felt like I should be able to get thourgh it. Now I hear it is just as hard for others, and I'm feeling better about it. I have INterval MAx but it's another one I don't do enough.I think I'll try adding that in for a few weeks nad then coming back to it. I also like the idea of switching the step and the hi-lo (I wish I had a DVD, then it would be a snap, wouldn't it?)
You're all so nice to help me, and you've made me feel much better. Thanks! Happy Holidays!
Sarah E.

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