Meecher's Road Trip Pix


What a wonderful weekend!!!!

Road Trip '07 was F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C (or should I say "Big A** Fan-tastic?!) Ms. Friedrich and Crew were even sweeter and more approachable the second time...and they never seemed to tire the constant barrage of adoration and flashbulbs. Everyone at Cathe dot Com was so accomodating and friendly, I'm just about ready to move to New Jersey!

I was also thrilled to pass the time with so many wonderful women (friends old and new), including my terrific rooomie, Trudi!

My heart and glutes may ache today...but the memory will last forever!!!

:) Meecher
Hey Meecher!
those were great! thanks for sharing! (i even found myself in one!) & thanks for re-living the saturday step class for me too! I loved that one!

Thanks so much for sharing! I even found one of myself too! I'm so bummed Jenn and I were getting cosmos when the group picture of our Fitness Feast's table were taken. Y'all look gorgeous!!! LOL at the front desk eye candy pic!! You crack me up!

Hey Catherine...don't know what's up with the password thing...I certainly didn't require that. I think, if anything, they might want you to sign in (or create an account) to view the pix, but I certainly didn't set a password. Good luck!!!

X, I have a "cheap" Kodak 4MP with 10X zoom that I've dropped on asphalt twice...but it takes a licking and keeps on clicking!!! I highly recommend the Kodak zoom models...they're really easy to use and seem to produce very nice pictures.

Wendy, you are such a card! I love you!! Yeah, I think my 'eye candy dude' was a little less-than-thrilled with my obnoxious picture-taking and quickly moved his conversation behind the pillar after I snapped the shot! Poor guy!! (BTW, I think getting the cosmos was a very necessary errand...but yeah, I wish you could have made it into that picture...) :( next time...???
Hi, Michele! Remember me? Your roomie from Roadtrip '05! Your pics are great but I have to admit to feeling a little disappointed not to make it this year. We already had a family vacation planned for Washington, DC months in advance so couldn't go anyway. Oh, well, maybe next time. Glad you had a good time.

Sue :)
YES OF COURSE I remember you, Sue!!! I'm sorry you couldn't make it this year...lots of fun "improvements" including an embroidered "swag bag" and better hotels! (That Ramada was just a little scary, remember?!) Who knows? If I'm ever lucky enough to go a third time and you go again...we can room together!?!

And CRABBYELLA, I LOVED meeting you and chatting! YES, I was lucky enough to board a plane within 20 minutes of my arrival at the airport. (I had no idea there was an even EARLIER flight boarding while I was checking in...what a lucky break!!) The dash to the gate was good exercise and it certainly beat sitting around Philly airport for seven hours!!!

If you ever visit WISCONSIN, you'll have to let me know!

:) Meecher

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