Measuring large


I just had my 28 week appointment and had only gained 4 pounds this time so my doctor was happy (remember I got in trouble at 24 weeks for gaining too much). She did say however that I am measuring large and that I was at 24 weeks as well although I do not remember her saying that then. I guess I was focused on getting in trouble for the weight.

She has ordered an ultrasound for my 30 week appointment (she said the second is usually at 36 weeks but wants to do it earlier). What is she looking for? And what if the baby is big?

I know I should just ask her these questions when I am in there but I always have questions in a notebook that I ask and then forget to ask for clarification on anything else she says :)
Hi Leighann,

I had this situation with my first dd. She consistently measured a month ahead or so, and the dr. sent me for a few u/s to make sure all was well. She told me she was looking to see whether there was too much amniotic fluid (hydroamneosis, I think it's called?). This can cause problems, but I don't know what they are. In my case, there wasn't anything to worry about - the baby was just big. She weighed in at 9lbs 9oz, and was born 2 weeks early!

My understanding is that doctor's measuring of fundal height in their office is only a crude measure of the uterus, and usually the u/s shows that nothing is wrong. I hope that is the situation in your case. Keep us posted on how it goes!

Hi there,

I have always measured large--sometimes as much as 9 weeks ahead. I carry large and have big babies and tend to have amniotic fluid on the high end of normal.

I had one OB give me a second ultrasound for this and everything was fine--I just think they err on the side of caution.

Keep us posted.

Thanks Sandra and Maggie!

I need to stop freaking out about this stuff but this is my first and my doctor has such a dry sense that she makes it all sound ok and then I get home and start freaking:)

I should just look at it like I get an additional chance to see the little one!

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