Making friends in RI


Hello everyone,

Now my daughter is almost 8 months and I've lost all the weight I've gained during pregnancy and I'm very happy about it. But I've been feeling pretty depressed not having a social life. I'm now a stay-home-mom and I've tried make some friends. As a matter of fact, I've met several people but unfortunately all of them were kind of people who had nothing to do working out.... All they did when we got together was just eat and gossiping all day long.... Now I'm hoping to meet some stay-home-mom who lives in RI, hopefully in Newport County thru this site or I'm going crazy!
Hello, When I moved to my city 7 years ago, I was in the same boat that you are in. Lonely and no friends!!! I joined an awesome health club and met most of my friends I have today. If you can find one with great aerobic classes and childcare facilities, that would be great. I am very fortunate to have something like that here. One of our morning instructors remind me of Cathe, she is that good and that intense!!!!! Good luck to you, Jennifer

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