Hi Charlotte,
I'm not familiar with the "Lean and Hard" book that you refer to but I have read "The Fat Burning Bible" (FBB). I would think that the basic principles would be the same from book to book though maybe with a different focus. The FBB book has meal plans that are basically low fat-high protein. It also advocates alternating circuit workouts with interval workouts for fat loss. I am pretty happy with my diet so I didn't follow the meal plans but I did start the circuit/interval rotations about a month ago. I also throw in one full body workout a week.
I am seeing some results...reductions in my back fat, love handles, and tummy pouch and about 3 pounds on the scale. I'm also seeing a lot more definition in my arms, chest, and shoulders. I checked it out from the library and just photo copied the parts that I would need to refer to again. Have you checked your local library to see if they have "Lean and Hard"?
"Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
"Where there's a will, there's a way."