Mackie Shilstone, Lean and Hard program

Has anyone read Mackie Shilstone's new boo, Lean and Hard? Has anyone had any experience with Mackie's programs? He is a trainer in New Orleans who has trained a number of pro boxers and taken them to the next level and, more recently, started a couple of different training programs for us regular folks. Curious to know if anyone has any experiences here.
Hi Charlotte,

I'm not familiar with the "Lean and Hard" book that you refer to but I have read "The Fat Burning Bible" (FBB). I would think that the basic principles would be the same from book to book though maybe with a different focus. The FBB book has meal plans that are basically low fat-high protein. It also advocates alternating circuit workouts with interval workouts for fat loss. I am pretty happy with my diet so I didn't follow the meal plans but I did start the circuit/interval rotations about a month ago. I also throw in one full body workout a week.

I am seeing some results...reductions in my back fat, love handles, and tummy pouch and about 3 pounds on the scale. I'm also seeing a lot more definition in my arms, chest, and shoulders. I checked it out from the library and just photo copied the parts that I would need to refer to again. Have you checked your local library to see if they have "Lean and Hard"?

"Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
"Where there's a will, there's a way."

Interesting. I also have been doing circuits/intervals/heavy for the past few months. It works!!

I am in week one (end of it) of the Hard & Lean program. I actually met in New Orleans with Mackie's nutritionist and worked with his trainer for the first few days, then took the training manual home to Texas to complete the rest of the 6 weeks. The concept is a little different than the FBB - this one is designed to increase lean muscle mass so your composition is less body fat but more lean muscle. So, it uses high intensity interval training and weight training. But not circuits. And the high intensity intervals are nothing like what we are used to with Cathe. They mostly are a combination of running drills where you MUST recover to a certain heart rate before you tackle the next one. The first week seems very easy, but I have been promised that the intensity will increase each week and that it will get quite tough. The nutritionist tweaked what I thought already was a really good diet to include more protein and a few other changes. (this was my first time to meet with a nutritionist and it was an eye-opener). Mackie highly recommends supplements, which I never really have thought much about before. I'm going to give them a try to give this 100%.

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