Lunges - foot/calf issue


Active Member
When I do lunges, sometimes my the front of my foot/toes are tender or numb. Usually I have to take my shoe off to let my foot "breathe" before I can continue. Sometimes this also happens when I do the IMAXs. Also, when I do a lunge, it feels like I'm working my calf more than anything. Is this a form issue? Anyone else have this happen?

If my shoes are tied too tight then my feet get numb while doing step. Loosening them up quite a bit does the trick.

I'll let someone else speak to the calf muscle issue because I don't know if it's an issue with form or an underdeveloped calf or anything else for that matter.....
It could be form. When you're doing lunges pressure should be on the heel rather than the ball of the foot. Same with step aerobics--remember what Cathe always says--land toe/ball/heel.

Too much pressure on the front of your foot could cause cramping in your calves & numbness in the feet.

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