Lunge Difficuly/Pain


Active Member
I'm wondering if anyone finds stationary and split lunges to be unusually difficult and painful. For some reason, I seem to get the negative kind of pain when I do lunges, and it kicks in very soon. By "negative", I don't mean injury horrible, but like you've done too many reps when you should've stopped.

When I do walking lunges or squats, I have no such problems. The feeling is challenging but normal. Even during Cathe's warmups, where she does the pulsing lunges, I have a hard time. I've been working out for a few weeks now and it doesn't seem to have improved.

Also, does anyone find that lower body workouts are much more difficult than upper body? I find that the leg press on the high step is killer cardio-wise and I have to take a break to get my heart rate down before moving on, but I also sweat a LOT during the LB workouts because the larger muscle groups are being worked. I always dread leg day...:eek:
yep. Lunges are killer for me, period. I try to smile and curse my way through it ;) If you have been only w/o for a few weeks, maybe you need to back off a bit and listen to your body. The endurance will come over time. I seem to find that people get frustrated too fast and want to rush the progress, but slow and steady & you will prevail. If you need a break, take one. Cathe is a huge advocate on listening to your body. She pushes you, but reminds you not to go past the pain threshold. At that point, modify or stop.

Age only matters if you're cheese.
I have had a hard time when I started doing the stationary lunges too. Not sure why - I could always do huge sets of regular lunges, even with heavy weights - with no problems at all.

A few things that helped were: doing them on a mat (my feet were sliding all over my laminate floor, and the mat helped to stabilize them), starting with no/ very light weights, and resting for a few reps in large sets.

Good luck!
Stationary lunges kill my legs. In both ME and MM, I have to take a break. I start to cramp up otherwise. I think its those nasty lowends. I have no problem with PLB and GS Legs (except for those really slow ones).

I'm also glad to see I'm not alone.


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