
Hi, Girls!

Active rest today. 20 minutes abs. I used PUB abs and Boot Camp core only premix.

I'm very excited. I RECEIVED MY FREESTYLE BOOK YESTERDAY in the mail:7 . I've just kind of skimmed through it and it appears to be very thorough.

My upper body is looking the best it ever has. I've been using PUB and PS once a week and I'm up to the same weights Cathe uses FINALLY:).

Hopefully Freestyle will get my lower body looking as good as my upper body. I'm thinking I may be able to use the Bun and Thigh rocker I purchased months ago for some of the Freestyle exercises.
Hi Candi,
I am just curious are deep squats a problem for you ? The reason I asked is because I bought some Power Cables from Power-Systems just for deep squats, you can see a picture of the exercise on sherry's web site under home gym ... and a few more exercises she told me about like the butt blasters ... Anyway you may want to try these exercises............. hope you enjoy the book..... Rhonda:7
Squats are not typically a problem for me but the more weight I use, the harder it is for me to get to the 90 degrees. I believe I read last night that I should use just a bar and go into the squat. I haven't tried it yet, but I believe I can do it. I will definitely look at Sherry's website again today.

I am enjoying the book. There is quite a variety of lower body exercises they suggest and the diagrams are very good.

Thanks, Rhonda:)
Lucky you! I'm still waiting for my book.}( (arrrgh)

Slept in this morning, so I will have to wait until tonight to do PUB/PLB - (up only). My glutes are a little sore from yesterday's Tae Bo. Maybe I'll do KPC and ME legs tomorrow. Kickboxing is so great for your lower half.

Have a good day everyone!

- Shopgirl :)
Hi again Candi,
These squats you need no weights for just the power cables.
Shopgirl, glad to hear your feeling better, I have some dvds on ebay if your interested........ if not ok ... Rhonda:7
Hi again Rhonda,

I'll probably have questions for you after this weekend!

Enjoy your Mother's Day!
Morning Ladies ;o)

How’s everyone this lovely Thursday? I’m good. Today we’re going to be in the 80’s and I’m loving it. Well ladies, things are still going good, I’m focused and still in control. Tuesday, turned out to be a unplanned rest day. After my WW meeting and then the grocery store, by the time I got home I was pooped.

Anyways, yesterday I did Cardio Kicks and get this…..after CK I put MIS in vcr to do my lower body w/o. Then decided I was going to do lower body without Cathe. And it was GREAT, sorry Cathe <g>

I did 3 sets for each routine, walking lunges, static lunges, pile, squats, dead lift and my a$$ is so sore today. It must have been those doggone walking lunging, I like doing them. Man oh man, when you push up with your heel you can really feel it. I did use some weights and some without while doing the exercise. Don’t really know if this was a freestyle workout, but I enjoyed doing my own thing ;o)

Tonight, Legs & Glutes and afterwards, I’m going to the tracks for 1 hour of run/walk to soak up some sun. Have a great day all.

I was just thinking the same thing! Teddygirl has taken this routine and just rocketed with it. I am so inspired.
Heck, I'm trying to get to were you guys are tiny! I got a longggg ways to go, slowly getting there. We ALL are rocking and rolling.

You who ladies :eek:)

Where's everyone? This morning I hopped on the treadie for an hour jog and did MIS abs afterwards. I had planned to do MIS upper body but don't know if time will permit. I took a vacation day today, went to get my hair permed and cut. I'm starting a part time job tonight at my brothers lounge very classy place in the flats.

Beverly, ((((((((HUGS)))))))))

Okay, ladies what do you guys do today? ttyl

Hello -

I did PUB/PLB (up only - again). I really like doing this premix. I ate terribly today, so may force myself to do IMAX2 tomorrow to make-up for it. ;-)

Weighed myself this morning and tipped the scales at 116. I gained back a pound since having the flu. Will try to lose it next week when I add running at lunchtime in addition to my morning workouts.

Have a fantastic weekend.
- Shopgirl :)
Hi Everyone,

Been so busy at work didn't have a chance to check in yesterday. Yesterday I did Rhythmic Step which is very fun for me. This morning I did power hour and am getting ready to do the original Imax tonight.

I received my Freestyle book so I started looking at it. Shopgirl, haven't you been waiting quite a while on yours? I ordered mine on May 1st and received it May 5th. I am lowering my wts way down to 20 or 30lb barbells to see if this will help me, and also adding in more HIIT cardio.

Hope you all have a great weekend.


Happy Saturday ;o)

Today, I walked 17 laps and then, PS Legs & Abs. I haven't done this workout in months, very enjoyable. Have a good evening all.


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