low supply=need fewer calories??


I had baby #2 almost 3 weeks ago and am frustrated that the scale has been stuck for 2 weeks--actually I've gained 2 lbs!

I was keeping my calories at around 2000, as I didn't want to compromise my already low milk supply. After trying what seems like everything to increase supply, I've been needing to supplement, as I did with DS as well. Since I'm not producing as much milk, I shouldn't need as many extra calories, right? I don't want to reduce my already low supply, but I'd also like to get my body back.

I started working out again this week, so I'm hoping that helps.

I am 10 weeks postpartum adn still have 5 pounds to go. i eat right and work out, and do everything i should, but it does not budge.... so i understand. but 3 weeks is early to have lost it all. your hormones are still not leveled out and lack of sleep makes me gain weight. keep up the great work and be proud, i bet you look awesome! come join us in the new mommies forum.
thanks! I've thought about joining your check in, though I think I'd need to study up on who is who for quite awhile! :)

Lack of sleep also makes me hold on to weight. Plus, since I am up several times through the night, I end up eating! I don't get a lot of activity, as Reese wants to be held all the time (including naps), so my only good calorie burn is during my workouts. I'd love to take her mall walking, but she hates her car seat. ahh...

I've read in so many places that weight just falls off while breastfeeding, but that doesn't seem to apply to me. I guess I can only continue working on good food choices and to keep reminding myself to be patient!
i was also thw woman who held onto weight when i nursed. for other reasons i did not nurse this time. once my period started again i dropped the pesky pounds that made me feel gross! join us, we are a fun group and love new additions! come on!
my son needs to be held too. and hates the car and stroller. i bjorn him a lot. and swaddle him for naps even though he hates it, and have a heating pad under a blanket in his crib, so it feels like my warm body./ it has helpe a lot and now he sleeps better at night, getting up twice, and naps most afternoons for a few hours.... hope it helps...
Another invite to join us at postpartum check-ins. :) Many people pop in and out as they are able...don't feel like you have to commit... ;)

I am 14 weeks postpartum and have 5 more lbs to lose as well. I've been playing around with caloric intake/outtake as well as different types of foods and how they effect my body (and weight). I'm learning so much!

With each pregnancy it's has taken me longer to lose the weight. YOU are doing GREAT! You are right to be concerned about not getting enough calories while nursing. I have found that if I don't eat enough calories my body holds onto weight ....probably so my milk supply doesn't go down....I think it was a protective mechanism.

As far as your milk supply goes I have found a diet rich in oatmeal, milk (dairy) and fenugreek supplementations work best for increasing my milk. I am nursing twins thus need to be extra cautious about my supply.

I have a go fit wear that tells me my caloric output. I've read that nursing burns 500 calories per day per baby...but my max output is around 3300 & that is with 2 extra hard workouts/day. On average I've been burning about 3000 calories...since an "active" person uses 2500 calories/day I believe that my body is burning about 250 calories per baby per day which is 750 calories LESS than literature reports. Our bodies are so different!

Your body will naturally lose those last 5 lbs with moderate exercise & sensible eating.

Congrats on your delivery!!!
Melanie is a great resource on all this. She is right, in the forum we were all theorizing why we were not losing weight. And it was so weird to realize we needed more calories to do it. Melanie is a great example, she changed to eating more, and changed the foods, I think the ABS diet. SHe rocks, and is beign modest. She had TWINS! Come join us! Keep up the good work. With sleep, you will see them disappear!
lisa- so you know. I SUCK at typing. SO whenever you read my posts you will think I am a moron, just a warning.
Christine~ do we have to confess our faults? Christine is an awful typer, but I"m an awful speller! LOL ....and I love to talk about sex. There's my confession.
and poop. we talk about poop a lot.
i spell like a 4 year old when I type.
Oh, and as for the s-e-x... happy hubby today!

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