Low Impact Circuit 2, and Music with LYRICS!


New Member
I completely agree with the other posters that a low impact series would be great! I hope if Cathe does this that she includes a Low Impact Circuit 2 video!! Also, I really like it when the videos use familiar songs (with lyrics). I haven't completed all of the Shock Cardio DVDs yet, but I've done a good number. While the beats are great, I do miss being able to either sing along or think along the words while working out. I find it fun and it helps keep my energy up.
Another vote for fun recognisable tunes with lyrics

Low Impact circuit is by far my fave Cathe workout because it has such FUN, recognisable music with lyrics. It's one of the only Cathe workouts I do in its entirety (instead of premixes) because I just can't stop - it's such a blast! Personally I find music with lyrics SO much more motivating to workout to than workouts with just music, which is why I love many of the Body Blast series of workouts - the music just keeps me going!
Another vote for a Low Impact Circuit 2, and more workouts with similar FUN recognisable tunes with lyrics.
I agree--low impact would be good for slower days or for those with bad knees.

And yes--music with lyrics! Or at least, recognizable music. I do the Viper w/o and love the section playing Build Me Up Buttercup. I sing along every time, even though I can barely feel my legs and my lungs are on fire!
More music like that in B K Howe Radio Remixes please! And of course a "Music Louder" option, like in the Body Blast series.
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I would definitely buy something in the low impact range if available. I do love Low Impact Circuit for that reason - my joints sometimes need a break from all the jumping around :) And yes - music with lyrics!! I LOVED the songs on this dvd.

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