Low Carbers and Friends - March 2010

Oh boy a March thread!! :p

Okay, so I'm playing catch up again with STS. Yesterday I forced myself to do the legs workout. Today was a run with the upper body stuff being done later this afternoon. Then I'll start this week's stuff tomorrow. Am I having fun yet? I think I'll be glad when #3 is over, the legs workout is such a dread factor for me. I don't know why...oh yey, its the DOMS the day after!

Have a great rest of the day everyone!
Hang in there, Rhea - you're almost done!!!! I would imagine that with the running & the plyo legs, you'd have to be dead to not have DOMS :p :eek: ;)!
Yep, I guess so huh? Still have DOMS today and pylo legs are back tomorrow! Yikes. Oh, well. :rolleyes:
I tell ya, Rhea, I have been beyond sore doing Meso 1 legs this past two weeks :eek:! To the point of hurting to even think of sitting let alone assuming the position :eek:! It really made a huge difference for me to lighten the weights and focus more on ROM. Not sure if I appreciate the pain, though :p ;).

Good luck running tomorrow! Hopefully the movement will break up the lactic acid and actually help you feel better :). Fingers crossed for ya!
LIta - actually I don't have to run until tomorrow! Whoo hoo. Which is good since it snowed again and everything was icy this morning. I'm hoping the sun will be melting things today. I do have that darn pylo legs disc on tap for this afternoon. I was going to run home and do it at lunch, but work got in the way. Oh darn. :rolleyes: I'm so disappointed. :eek:
I'm so glad you got a reprieve :D! Especially when it's icy - I know where you're coming from there :rolleyes:. Ah shucks - no plyo legs today :(? What a letdown ;) :p! You're not going to end up doing it on your running day, are you :eek:?
Well, Lita, pylo legs was never off the table for today, just for the noon hour. I just finished it. Actually, the last two pylo legs aren't too bad. Not so many tuck jumps, etc. Even though I learned that I do not like those one leg thrusts. Probably cause I can't do them very well at all! LOL:confused:
Yea, a March thread!

It has warmed up to close to 60, snow is doing great melting and I hope will be gone soon. We have been able to walk 4 or 5 days now! My mood is doing much better, even opened the windows to get fresh air in the house.

Just finished up week 1 of Meso 2. I am going out of town next week, so will try out the traveling Cathe dvd with the bands. Has anyone tried that yet? I haven't. Think I'll also bring some of her cardio stuff, something I can do in the hotel room.
OK, let me repost this from Feb thread...

Are any of you going to Cathe's weekend in San Diego?

I got the mailer for the discounts for her store. I am eyeing the tower, do any of you have it? Not sure if it's worth spending the money on it. I kind of wing it with stuff now. If I used it all the time, that would be fine, I'm just not sure.....

Does anyone have P90X? I would like to give it a try, but want some feedback from those that also do Cathe so I can see what they think.
Hi babes! Thanks for starting a new March thread Lita!

Before I continue, I want to answer Melinda's questions. Thanks for posting them again Melinda, I was trying to remember everything you asked! OK, I'm not going to Cathe's weekend in San Diego. As much as I enjoyed the Road Trip I went on in 2008, 100 people is too many for me. It wasn't intimate. San Diego is open for 200 people to attend.

I did buy the tower. The top weight load it can take is 350 pounds so it's not what I would call a super solidly built item. But it definitely does the trick for me. I use it for pull ups from a sitting position and it's been a Godsend for doing chest work with the barbell in Meso 2 and 3. The first time around, I really struggled with the barbell and this time was great. I also plan to use it when I try out discs 37 to 40, whenever that may be!

I don't have P90X. I thought about it and looked into it a bit awhile ago. I think I watched some clips then feared I might get bored out of my mind so I didn't get them and don't plan to. Maybe you can do a search on the forums here to see if anyone else uses them or try the Video Fitness forum (I think it's still around)!

Good luck out of town! I haven't done Travel Fit yet but hope to soon. :)

Reece, hope you had an awesome experience at the symphony! I don't have LL so I'll stick with B&G!

Lita, you are working too hard there my friend! I don't like to see you hurting so much! (But I've been there too, believe me!) I can't remember which discs in STS killed me but I've made a few notes where I failed. I failed on the last disc too, grrr. Stupid concentration curls! :eek: I really hope you get your weights to where you're not dreading any of the workouts, that is no fun at all! I would not have gotten through STS the first time if I dreaded it. Heck, I did CCC only once and shelved it so you know how much I don't like to dread things! :p

Rhea, I can imagine that running and then doing plyo legs in the same week is gonna be killer on the legs! That's why I don't run, hee hee! And I don't like those one legged thrusts either--I don't do them well at all!

Step Moves and Athletic Step with abs this week so far. Hair cut and color tonight so it's a rest day! Workout Group tomorrow night. Last week wasn't as bad as the first time I went but I managed to whine pretty good just the same! :p

Later lovely ladies!
Sorry for such a long post ladies, don't know when to shut my mouth sometimes!

Also forgot to set my email notification for this thread. I always forget to do that!
Tracy - Not too long at all :)! Since you only get here a couple times a week, we need all the chatter we can get from you when you're here ;). OMG - you can do pull ups from the sitting position? I think if I had the tower, I'd have to go with the legs forward like Cathe demonstrates - if I could even manage that much :eek:. Actually, I've re-injured the torn hamstring (remember that :rolleyes: ) so I will need to kick back a bit. However, the first leg workout in Meso 1 is the hardest, IMHO, so I should be over the hump. However, next week is the "off STS" week in the June rotation so I'm going to do B&G for my legs so I might be limping all over again :eek:!

Melinda - Sorry - I meant to tell you I didn't know anything about the tower or P90X. And I am not the type to go to any of the get-togethers. I adore Cathe but I will do it from afar ;). Haven't tried the Travel Fit workout - am looking forward to your input!

Rhea - That is the advantage to having osteoarthritis and hip impingements - you just have a great excuse to not do all that jumping around :p. As for those one legged squat thrusts..... forget about it :rolleyes:.....
Tracy - totally not too long! I didn't know you had the tower.

Melinda - I've been toying around with getting the tower myself. Especially since I'm probably at the max weight for the chest work in the Mesos without have a rack to help me. I just feel guilty about spending the moulah right now with a house being built. Oh, and no attending any of the Cathe stuff for me either. I do know a bit about P90X, the people that have it like it. Its a tough 90 days. Tony Horton takes a little getting used to...I have some of the P90s, just not the X series.

Lita - believe it or not, my legs were so much better this morning. I think I worked out the lactic acid in the pylo legs workout!!! Imagine that...:rolleyes:

So today was a run in the morning. I get to have a massage this afternoon too. woohooo!

Have a great rest of the day everyone.
Rhea - I'm so glad your legs are feeling better :D :D :D!!!! Nothing like "shaking it all loose" during that plyo work, huh :p ;)?
Okay, ladies, I need help deciding which upper body endurance workout to do next week. I will be doing ME (upper only) along w/ B&G. But I want another upper body workout in there. I'm torn between MIS, PH, or PUB. Whatcha think?

The actual rotation calls for circuits - BM2 and LIC - but I don't feel the circuit workouts give the upper body enough attention.
Well, sure! That's one vote I didn't have before :p :D! Come to think of it, there are no push ups in PUB so.... it just may end up the winner ;)!
Thanks for the input. I did go to a FitPrime get together in 2003 I believe. That's where I met Jenn who lives in FL. But I do feel awkward with large groups and was glad I went, but wouldn't go again. This is one reason why I workout alone at home.

I need to see how much the tower costs and will then decide. Not sure if I want to spend the money. I am at 2 - 25# dumbells for the chest work currently and that's about it for me, so if I want to go heavier, it would have to be with the barbell. But I don't have any device at the moment to put it in. I would like to try those pull ups, currently I have one of those things that goes over the door frame.

I wonder if I could buy a used P90X? That might be the better way to go.

I will let you all know how the travel dvd is. I am heading out Monday.

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