Losing Weight vs. Losing Inches


Active Member

I've been working out steadily for about 6 weeks now. So far I've lost about 5 pounds, which I think is great :)

The thing is, I lost those 5 lbs very quickly during the first 3-4 weeks and then it really slowed down.

When the weight loss slowed down, I didn't worry about it and just kept going with my diet and exercise program. My focus has been mainly on strength training and not a lot of cardio (which I do maybe 2-3 times weekly), so I figured that I must be gaining some muscle...another good thing :)

Now I don't really need to lose a lot of weight. I started out at 149 (and a tight size 8). I'm currently at 143.5 and my "goal" was to get to 130.

My clothes have gotten really loose in the past couple of weeks and last week I ran into a friend who noticed that I've "lost weight".

I went shopping yesterday and tried on a size 8 pants and they were way too big. I then tried on a 6 and they fit, but were a bit loose! It was then that I took a good look at my body in the store dressing room. I noticed muscle definition in my arms, legs and butt; my waist and tummy was smaller...but my weight has not changed! I couldn't find my tape measurer, so I wasn't able to measure myself.

But this is a good thing! I was always one of people who couldn't stay off the scale and this was one of the reasons why I got discouraged in the past because the scale wasn't moving. Now I'm seeing all these changes in my body and I don't even care how much I weigh.

When I got home later, I "celebrated" by doing Power Hour :D Now I fully understand when people say, "don't go by the scale; go by how your clothes fit."

Just thought I'd share...

Cheryl :)
GREAT JOB!! I agree whole heartedly to go by how clothes fit and not the scale. I currently weigh 138(goal is 130) but wear a size 4 or 6. Yet I know people who weigh less than I and wear a 10/12. You should be proud of your progress and don't worry about that old scale so much. You may add a little weight just by muscle gains. Keep up the good, hard work!! :) Susan
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-02 AT 05:49PM (Est)[/font][p]Yep. The education crowd know that the # on the scale doesn't matter when you're building muscle. A better gauge of fat-loss is how your clothes are fitting.

I hadn't seen my SIL in about 3 months and she commented on how much weight I'd lost. I'd gone down from a size 6 to a size 4, but I had lost only 2 lbs on the scale.

Nobody believes me when I say I weigh almost 130 lbs.

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."

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