Looking for Rotation Ideas for Early Pregnancy


I am having a VERY hard time letting go of continuing a rotation of the CTX series, but feel that I need to due to the interval nature of the workouts and the plyometrics--I know I can modify and I am doing that, but, it's time to try something else. So, I would like to ask: What kinds of rotations did you use early in your pregnancy? I know the goal is to maintain fitness now, but rotations help me stay committed to my workouts. I do have a treadmill, so walking is definitely an excellent option for me, but I'd still like to keep some Cathe tapes in my rotation. Any ideas/suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks
I did the crawl to the bathroom and stay there rotation :-tired ...but until I got sick (which didn't take long) I just kept whatever rotation I was doing and lightened everything up. CTX does have a lot of moves that would be hard to modify, but Cathe's other tapes worked great for me. Even after I was feeling better, which was right about the time the CTX arrived, I was able to use older Cathe's on a 4" board with no impact. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Thanks, Andrea for the response. I just needed to hear that I can keep on doing some of my Cathe tapes!

So far I have been able to avoid your crawl to the bathroom rotation--though many women have told me that it might still creep up on me over the next few weeks. My major symptom is extremely sore and tender breasts. I swear I can feel them growing and I have even awakened in the night because they hurt so bad! Oh, well, I can deal with this...

I did Circuit Max last night and I gotta say that it's time to put this one away for awhile! After I completed the workout, I was not invigorated at all and actually felt even more fatigued. I did modify and even eliminated some of the weight reps, but it still kicked my butt!!

I ordered a Charlene Prickett low imapct tape that has about 45 minutes of aerobics which I think I will enjoy--the video got good reviews on videofitness.com. So, I really am moving away from those high intensity/high impact workouts...this is such an adventure--I am amazed at how quickly my heart rate goes up when working out!

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