Looking for Motivation


Hello All,

I'm just looking for a bit of motivation. I know this topic has been addressed before, but maybe now that I'll have people replying right to me, I'll be more inclined to take action.

I want to start working out in the morning but just can't seem to get up. I have done a few morning workouts (start time being 5:45am at the earliest), but I find that I feel like I'm not putting my all into it or that I'm about to fall off the high step when I do anything challenging because I'm just not awake yet. I've found that I can work out on weekends around 9:00am with no trouble because I've already had a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. During the weekdays, though, I'd have to get up at 5:00 in order to have breakfast and coffee and enough rest time before working out. HELP!

Also, I posted something a while ago about what Cathe moves really make you burn... well, I've thought of another one... lunges during one of the high/lows in SJP. Killer! Even with just 25lbs!

Oh, and one last thing... what should be my next video/series purchase... I have Body Blast and Intensity and not a lot of extra dough to spend. I love the two series I have, but I want to start doing the rotations as listed on the web. Any suggestions? I'm really into the more hard core workouts.

Thanks for all your help! This message board is great!

Hi, I'm just getting back in to my workout routine. I previously worked out every morning, but my new job requires that if I were to workout in the a.m. I must get up at 5:45...and that is cutting it close. I've decided only to lift weights in the morning (2-3/wk) and step in the evening (2-3/wk). I'm hoping that breaking up the week like that will keep me motivated. Also, I make sure I drink water (or a little bit of protein shake) and/or have something small to eat before I start. Even if its just a couple of bites of cottage cheese. Getting into a routine can be difficult, but once you are use to it, its great. Good luck.

Changing routines requires dedication and consistency at first, until you find your groove and your body finds a its rhythm. I switched to 5:30am workouts a few months ago; have to get up at 5am in order to be ready for it. I don't eat in the morning, but have a really good bedtime snack; usually a combo of yogurt, fruit and cereal. In the morning I have a large cup of water immediately upon waking, followed by a cup of coffee, sipped while I get ready. This does not seem to bother my stomach at all, and the coffee is critical to allowing me to kickstarting my workout. I couldn't possibly do it without my coffee.

Most people will feel like their morning workouts are harder to do than afternoon ones, due to the fairly typical human biorhythms. It can take some time for you to adjust to this, mentally. After a while you will forget what it felt like to workout later in the day, and your morning workouts will begin to feel more comfortable. In the meantime, pick only your favourite workouts, and pick the easier ones, rather than, say the IMAXs.

I agree with you on those SJP lunges - they're friers!!!

Have you pre-ordered the HardCore Series? That would be my first suggestion. As a second option, I recommend the Rhythmic Step/IMAX/MIC dvd. Those workouts are included in almost every rotation, and they're mandatory if you're wanting the best of the cardio workouts.

Hey Sandra,

Thanks much for your advice. Your suggestions about getting prepared for morning workouts sounds really great and I think I might try tomorrow. Coffee really doesn't seem to bother my stomach either and the water would probably be an instant wake-me-up.

About pre-ordering the Hard Core series... I'll probably get a lot of "what the heck are you talking about"s, but, like I said, I'm low on cash and want to make sure to make the right decision. Okay, so here's my question/reservation... I'm afraid of ordering the Hard Core series because I'm afraid it won't be Hard Core enough. That sounds horrible since most of Cathe's workouts kick my bootie, but I guess I'm just obsessive about having my butt kicked. For instance, I ordered Body Blast before I ordered Intensity and obviously (not just from my own reviews but from other people's comments), Intensity is much more intense AND it was created before Body Blast. I hope that wasn't confusing. I guess there's no question here. I'm just looking for my reservations to be quelched. Maybe I'm just fickle at heart.

Thanks for agreeing with me on the lunges. Now I know I'm not crazy!

Once again, thanks for the great advice. Just love this message board!


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