Looking for job frustration


I don't know if anyone has experienced this, but here it goes. I have been looking for a job for the past 6 months. I have interviews and feel that I do well. Then I find out that I was "overqualified" or they hired someone younger. I'm 46 and I do not have anything against others, but it's very frustrating that I can not seem tt get past this. Or to the 2nd interview or the job. Maybe it's me. I have even asked later what I did wrong and they say that I am "overquailified" or that I would be bored. I can only decide that.

Anyway thanks for letting me vent. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!
If you truly are overqualified, but they are jobs that you really want to take (do they fit what you are looking for?) then maybe you should revise your resume a bit or try to at least change your experience a little so you may not look so overqualified?

I'm an HR Mgr and I know that it is something I worry about too. We sometimes do not want to hire someone that is only "using" us while they look for a better job. Hope you understand where I am coming from there - it is costly to hire and train and we don't want to invest if we are only a stepping stone. Also sometimes don't want to hire someone we think may get bored because then they may resent their job later on.

On the other hand - we have hired some candidates for clerical positions who really could have qualified for higher positions but were mothers just returning to the work force and didn't want the hastles of a higher position. We just crossed our fingers that they would stay long enough to make the hire worth while.

HTH a little. Good luck in your search.

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