LL question for KathyH, yes AGAIN!


I'm sorry to bother you again with this...I think every few months I must ask you a question....

I have really really been struggling wtih trying to lose weight. My calories have been right around 1300/day, I'm working out 6 days a week with cardio (1 hr, CAthe), plus doing weights (3 day split, plus one full day) and then twice a week I do another 30 mins extra of cardio.

So far I havent lost a pound. And its been since Jan 1 that I've seriously done this although its been longer than that that I've been pretty faithful with it.

I weigh 149 lbs, I'm 5'5 and I'm 35 years old. It seems like ever since I turned 35 I've really struggled.

I'm wondering a few things:

1) Will LL help me?
2) will I be able to continue with my current workouts the way I have them set up cuz I really like it (using the new Hardcores)
3) in May I will start training for a marathon in Oct...can I do this and do LL at the same time?

I'm truly starting to get at the end of my rope here and would really like to do something that works.

Feel free to email me at [email protected] OR at my work [email protected]

I'm not Kathy, but I am doing LL. I think it is a wonderful program. You can download the first two pages of every chapter in David's book and sign up for a 30day free trial.

I am starting week 3 and I cannot believe how much better I feel for changing up my eating. I have also lost some weight :) , however the benefits of improved nutrition for me have been more significant than the weight loss so far.

It takes a lot of hard work and discipline, but is well worth it and a scientifically sound program.

Liz N
Liz, thanks for the reply! Can you tell me what the formula is for figuring the calories and do you need to join the online club or can you just read the book

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