lighter weights, more reps


Active Member
Hi Cathe!
I've read in Mens health and fitness magazines, that as you get older instead of heavy weights and less reps, you should do lighter weights and more reps. Maybe something that starts with 8 lbs, goes to 5, and then to 3, exausting the muscle each step of the way. Thanks. Gene
People need to be careful what they read in those health magazines - alot of them have no scientific basis and are suggestions. In fact, it is imperative as one gets older (men and women) to use weight bearing exercises in their health regimen. People will feel a burn after using light weights and many reps - but remmeber, that is not recruitment of muscle fibers but a lactic acid build-up in the muscles. For me personally, I have tried the light weights - just like you mentioned, and I could do about 200 reps - makes me awful leary of any overuse injuries that can occur with high reps - my joints were killing me. Definitely defeats the purpose of working out - to make the joints ache. Alot of what people read in the magazines are routines that haven't even been scrutinized by exercise physiologists. A heavier strength training program not only increases lean muscle mass, but also increase bone density. For many, that is a good reason to lift a little stronger.

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