Wow, I was really surprised to see a post addressed just to me. I feel kind of honored and I'm glad you decided to write about this. I still battle with my asthma but I am now convinced it is something that I can control and eventually even cure. Don't ask me why, it's just a feeling.
I didn't actually have it as a child, I developed it in my teen years and we thought it was from having a dog and a cat, even though we'd had them for years before I became symptomatic. And right now I have 3 cats that probably don't do me any favors but I don't feel sneezy from them. Actually, since finding out about yeast imbalances and that I had one I've seen lots of things like allergies decrease.
You DO sound a lot like me, same age, same size, it's kind of spooky! You can feel free to email me directly anytime, I'd be more than happy to chat with you that way, too (
[email protected])
Anyway, my whole life changed when I was referred by someone to this chiropractor. My first reaction was "oh, they're all full of crap." Because I'd had lower back pain since I was about 15 and saw I don't know how many chiros who did nothing but xray me, show me stretches any bonehead would know and told me to take up to 9 Advil per day. Which I did! I didn't know better, I trusted the morons. So I was NOT into the idea of a chiropractor at all. But he said she did Chinese Medicine and was just amazing and I had to see her once, just once. Well, first my boyfriend went and he raved about her. But I was still skeptical. So about a month later, suffering from a whole list of problems (chronic vaginitis, daily heartburn, gas, bloating, low back pain, allergies, asthma flareups) I went to her and gave her the list and said "well, what can you do?" I pretty much expected her to say nothing but she examined me, talked to me and then said she thought I had Candidiasis, an inner yeast imbalance from years of a bad diet and overuse of steroids.
She gave me a book called The Body Ecology Diet and said to read it and when I was ready, do the diet. It's temporary, although you do need to do it for at least a few months, sometimes up to a year or two. But the idea is you starve off the parasites and bad yeast by depriving them of all sugars and start to rebuild your immune system, digestion, etc. It was HARD to do, I love starches and sugar. And recently, actually, I've gotten way off track. My granny died about a month ago and since then I have been really lax in my eating and my asthma is flaring up already. I know for a fact I have certain food allergies and I think I need to go back to the Candida diet myself to get balanced again.
Today, for instance, I did Power Circuit (I'm in week one of a 12 week rotation I set up, the first 4 weeks of which is Crosstrain Xpress) and I had to realy struggle through the cardio and normally I'm a cardio monster. It's hard not to just give up or skip it but I know the exercise helps with the yeast as well. And tonight I'm very wheezy from, I think, soy. I found another awesome book about food allergies (The False Fat Diet) that explains how they work, what to do about them and how you can overcome them in time.
But I do know that this doctor, that I still see once and month and whom I now adore, is expensive. It's $75 per visit, plus some supplements here and there. That's not chump change and I can understand if you just can't do that. Most people can't, I have been truly fortunate. But maybe I can help guide you through some things from afar. I actually do plan to pursue either Chinese Medicine or Naturopathy as a career, even if I am a little old for career changes.
So again, feel free to email me or I'll keep checking this post. Just let me know what exactly you'd like to know and I'll be more than happy to share. I rarely get to talk to people who have asthma and work out like this and it's really kind of comforting in an odd way. Not that I want you to be wheezy, just sometimes makes you feel better knowing you're not alone.
So, what's your lifestyle like now? What's a day's meal menu like for you? What workouts do you do? Tell me about your asthma history, etc. I'd love to help you in any way I can.
I'm off to sleep!