Less Cardio/More weights = ??


The thread below about gaining weight instead of losing it has me wondering if I'm experiencing a similar problem due to performing more cardio than weight training. My schedule right now is as follows:

M - 35min Cardio/25 weights
T - 20min Interval cardio then 45 steady state cardio
W - 55min all upper body weight training
TH- 20min Interval cardio then 45 steady state cardio
F - 60min cardio / 30 weights
S - 30 cardio / 45 weights
Sun- rest or light cardio

It seems like I'm not really making much progress in terms of tone and definition, and can't figure out how I workout most days of the week, of varying intensity and varying activities, yet still have as much 'softness' as I do. I'm afraid that my body has become so accustomed to this much cardio, that anything less will result in more weight gain if I scale back at all. Has anyone successfully cut down on cardio and seen positive changes?? Any insight/experiences would be great!!

Hi Nicole! I've definitely cut way back on cardio. Do only about 1-2x a week now. However, the cardio that I do will be either IMAX1 or 2, Bootcamp, Circuit Max; something very intense. I weight train 4 days a week changing my program every 6 wks. so that I never plateau. I've seen great changes; lost 9" total off of my body so far & I've increased my weights significantly. You can try a rotation something like this:

Sun: chest/biceps/abs
Mon: cardio
Tues: legs/abs
Wed: back/triceps
Thurs: shoulders/abs
Fri: rest
Sat: This is where I do either yoga or pilates; do whatever you prefer

You can change these combinations to suit the way you like to work out. This is my combination because this works very well for me. I hope I've been of some help. Kathy :D
Hi Nicole,

Like Kathy, I've cut back on my cardio. In fact, I've cut it out completely. While I haven't lost any weight, I haven't gained either. I am "experimenting" with a new "diet" program that actually has me increasing my caloric intake considerably right now. I'm up to 2540 calories a day in 4 weeks & still no weight gain. This program is based on bodybuilding nutrition but I'm using mostly real food (I use shakes once or twice a week).

What benefit have I gotten? I'm seeing tremendous strength gains & my arms are starting to show serious signs of musculature under the "fluff." I had lunch with my mom today & she says she can see a change in my face.

What does that mean? That means, while I haven't lost weight on the scale, I've lost body fat. Remember, fat weighs less than muscle.

Where do I go from here? In three weeks, I will have a change in my program & will dramatically reduce my caloric intake a few days a week & add cardio back in 2 days a week. I will not do more than 30 minutes in my target heart range. So, no more IMax or IMax2 in their entirety for me.

Hope that helps.
Hi Nicole :)

If you do too much cardio, you can compromise your muscular gains. If you must do cardio every day, I think HIIT cardio (intervals) would be a better choice with a maximum time of 20 minutes. HIIT cardio is almost like sprints which work the muscles in your legs.

It's also very important that you feul your body with good nutrition. A lot of body builders swear by doing interval cardio in the a.m. before breakfast and doing weights later on in the day. I know you don't want to be a body builder, but they do know a lot about enhancing their bodies with nutrtition, exercise, etc...I've read that you should have whey protein shake right after your cardio session. And after your weight session you should have protein and carbs within an hour. I think that is the window of time that you have to make sure you feul your body with the proper nutrtion. And before bedtime, make sure to have some caesin protien. That way your body will have something to digest slowly so you don't compromise muscle mass when your body fasts during sleep. Cottage cheese is a good choice to eat before bedtime.

I'm an ecto and a hard gainer of any muscle. When I decreased my cardio, I saw a big difference in muscular gains and strength. And I barely did any cardio - just some walking. I usually ate around 2500 calories per day and I'm only about 110 lbs. so don't be afraid to eat a lot. Less cardio is better if you want to put on some muscle mass. Good nutrition, lifting heavy, and less cardio will build muscles. Make sure you get plenty of protein! HTH

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