Leaving a bad job


Okay, I haven't posted in ages b/c I've had no time in the last 7 months to do much of anything. I feel like I have just been paroled. I quit a horrible job working for the most selfish, snobby, unpleasant woman. I found a great new job working for a laid-back, friendly fellow. Although I took a serious paycut, my husband and I live very frugally so it was ok. We figured my sanity was well worth it. Anyone else have any psycho boss stories? One of my "favorites" - making me redo labels on a file folder b/c the font size was an 8 instead of 9, then changing the color of the folder, then going back to the 8 (I redid the label about 6 times)--what a waste of time! Or-getting griped at b/c the robe in the hotel wasn't small enough. I have many more..........

Yikes - I've never had anything that bad. Anyone who is that controlling/anal, must have deeper psychological issues. Good thing you got out.
I'm in a job like that right now. I work for 4 RN Educators that are anal retentive. I never know what the day will bring me. I can relate to the waste of time stuff though.

I hope you are happy now.
I worked for a very rich family for a while. I started off working for just the daughter in a company she was running, and that was fine. Then through a sequence of events that is too long to get into here, I ended up working for her, her brother, father and uncle.

During the time I worked for them, my brother unexpectedly passed away. They made me take vacation days to go to his funeral.

The father called me into his office one day to measure the distance between the blinds and the window sills and then had me call maintenance to come and adjust all the blinds so they were even.

They were worth many, many millions of dollars, but I was expected to argue with the HMO about not paying a $6 prescription. I did this on a regular basis.

The uncle was in his seventies. He once had to get eardrops for something, and the bookkeeper had to put them in for him.

Needless to say, I didn't go back after I had my DD.:p
Yikes! What a control freak. I realized it was time to leave my last job when my boss couldn't find one of her files. She ended up calling her assistant who was in the delivery room giving birth! She ruled by fear - I couldn't believe that her assistant was so scared of her that she actually snuck her cell phone into her delivery room.

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