leaner (meaner) legs....


I think it's a good idea that you don't add that workout to your schedule at this point. It is indeed very intense.

I'm curious about continuing strenuous leg workouts during pregnancy, if you've been doing them for a long time, and don't push yourself to reach new levels?

My lower back is very tired, so I'm not up to doing heavy squat work right now. But if things improve, can a strenuous lower body workout such as PLB, SH Legs, or LL be detrimental to the pregnancy?

Sorry, Sunnydelite. I guess I didn't answer your question!
Hi Sandra,

I think a lot of it comes down to listening to your own body while exercising during pregancy.

I know there are some things that you are told NOT to do-ie. supine position exercises after 1st trimester,don't allow yourself to become breathless/anaerobic & lower your impact as your belly grows but most of it seems like it comes down to and just plain old listen to your body-which is sound advice for everyone regardless.

I'm sure you were lookin' for a more specific answer than that though. Sorry lol, maybe someone else can answer better for you.:)

Take care!


Hi Sunnydelite!

I'm doing the workout (I'm at 26 weeks), but to keep my heartrate from going into overdrive and for comfort's sake I do the workout without all the extra weight. I've gained 25 pounds in my pregnancy so far, and to be honest, that's the weight on the barbell I used for squats pre-pregnancy. I'm squatting the same extra weight now when I squat without weights!!!:) As for floor work, I avoid all exercises that have you lying on your back.

I would suggest trying the workout without weight and see how you feel. Always do a talk test to be sure your heartrate doesn't go to high.

Until I read it in your post I never thought about this...

"I've gained 25 pounds in my pregnancy so far, and to be honest, that's the weight on the barbell I used for squats pre-pregnancy. I'm squatting the same extra weight now when I squat without weights!!!:)"

Thanks for posting that!

I'll have to remember that in the future! :D



>I've now done LL 2x. I love the work out...it's definatley a
>killer...but in a good way! I'm using very light if any
>weight at all with it and I still feel the burn...
>Have a great work out!

I'm glad it worked for you! I don't know how long I'll continue using Leaner Legs, I'll just see how I feel. The more weight I gain, the more weight I'll be squatting too!}(

I know what you mean, Jennifer...I am curious to see how long I'll be able to do LL as well!;-) In fact, I wonder how long until I'm down to a work out of strictly Basic Step and my Gazelle...but hey...that's fine too...the point is to keep moving...even if that movement slows down considerably! lol :)

Have a great work out!

Due Date: 5/19/05



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