Laser Refractive Surgery


Has anyone had laser surgery recently to correct vision? I can't wear contacts all the time due to discomfort. I think my eyes have become dry. Now I also need bifocals! What a drag. I don't like glasses but am rather afraid of the laser. I know the surgery won't correct the reading problem but I'd love to see distance without glasses and use reading glasses for close up. I'd love to hear what your experiences have been.:)
Hello, I had lasik a year ago in October. I was extremely nearsighted and slightly astigmatic in one eye as well. The surgery went great for me, although I am one of the 1% who suffer from halo effect at night as a result of the surgery. Basically when looking at headlights, street lights, traffic lights etc. I see a halo around them. The halo's are pretty severe but the effect on my nighttime driving is not very big - basically I'm a little more uncomfortable than I used to be but I can still do it. I have a little harder time telling *where* cars are (which lane?) if they are heading toward me, until they get fairly close.

Everything else has been great. I live in Wichita, KS and the surgery is expensive for me here, so I drove to Colorado to have it done by a very experience doc (more than 14,000 of them performed) who did a great job. I have 20/20 vision in one eye, 20/30 in the other eye and I see great without glasses or any type of correction.

Even with the halo'ing the surgery was worth it for me, just because contacts are such a hassle and I was completely blind without them.

Hope this helps, please feel free to ask if you have any questions I could help with.
I had laser surgery done in the fall of 2000. It has been one of the best decisions I have made. I didn't have any trouble at all. Now a couple years later I have a dry spot on my eye that bothers me for a few days then goes away. I am proud of myself that I even did it. I am a chicken of most things like that. It was not bad at all. The whole procedure lasted 15 minutes. I really didn't have much time to think about it. I know 3 people that have had to have it done more than once. I am 20/20 in both eyes. I am not sure what kind of information you would like to know so I will keep checking back to see if you have any specific questions. Again, I am very, very happy. I would wake up in the morning and have to put glasses on to see the alarm clock. It was amazing a few hours after the surgery that I could see the clock on the wall.

Take Care,
I had laser eye surgery done 3 years ago. It was the best decision that I ever made. I had the PRK method done which means there was no cutting involved as there is with the LASIK. Everything was done using the laser. I missed three weeks of work with having this method done as the healing time is longer. My vision is 20/15 and after three years I have had no problems at all. I know of 5 other peaople that had laser eye surgery and have been very happy with it. One person had it done about 10 years ago and still has 20/20 vision.

If you are thinking of getting it done I would suggest that you do some research just so you know what the pros and cons are. Also go to a reputable doctor, one who has been doing this for years. You should also go for a consultation just to see if you are a candidate for it. This should be free and have a list of questions for the doctor. My doctor had about 20 years experience and was well repected in the field. I paid $3,500 to have my eyes done and I don't regret spending that much money on it at all.
My husband had the laser surgery done as soon as it was FDA approved ( about 6 or 7 years ago.) He said that it was the best thing he ever did. He went from 20/475 to 20/20. They said that
he would eventually need reading glasses, but at 44 still does not need tham. Good luck!

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