LA Weightloss... users? opinions?


Active Member
I am seriously considering doing LA Weightloss.. I had my 5th baby 5 months ago and the weight is not budging. I have to admit that I have no clue how many calories I should consume ect... I feel so out of wack!! I would love opinions on this program. What is it exactly? What is a sample day of food. Any info would be great.
I know only one person on it and she said it was a waste of money! They had a scam story on it on 20/20.

If you want a healthy, cheaper alternative, Nutrisystem is the way to go! I've been on it for nine months and have lost 24 pounds. I only have nine more to go! :)

If this is something that interests you, I can save you $268.82 with two weeks of free food. PM me if your interested.
I have mixed feelings about LA Weightloss. My sister-in-law joined a couple of years ago to lose weight after my nephew was born and she did exceptionally well on the program, but she was incredibly committed to losing and that helped. She liked the program for the most part. The one thing she didn't like was the way they pushed their supplements and protein bars. I went with a friend of mine who signed up with LA in February to give her support and I felt the same way. It seemed as though they look for your weaknesses and then kind of run with that as a way to push their bars. They also make it sound like you HAVE to use the bars and you absolutely don't. My sister-in-law and my friend refused to make the purchase and to lose the weight naturally and like I said my sister-in-law kicked butt on the program and my friend is doing great as well. By the way you have to buy the bars in bulk and the cheapest package was $1600.00. Their thing was that when you reach your weightloss goal you get a small percentage of what you spent on the program back and then if you maintain for a year you get another small percentage back. My friend was like ok I get $400 back if I use the bars (the only way you get the money back is if you are using the LA Lites) or you can just keep my $400 and I'll just keep my $1600. Ok that was the negative. Now the positive. It is a good balanced program. The one thing my friend loves are the food diaries because they make her accountable for what she's eating. The program she's currently on allows her to have 2 1/2 proteins, 4 veggies, 4 fruits, 4 starches, 2 dairy, and one fat. She eats 5-6 times a day and she doesn't seem to be struggling with hunger at all. An example of a protein is 6 egg whites, 8 oz chicken breast, 7 oz of turkey breast, etc. Veggies, fruit, starches, and fats vary. You can have potatoes, pieces of lite bread, etc. Like any other diet it's about making the smarter choices. My friend tends to stick with the lower glycemic fruits, veggies, and carbs and she losing very steadily. They also have a restaurant section which makes it incredibly easy to eat out when you want or need to. They also have a carb cravers menu you can use once in a while. My friend loves the food choices and has been happy with her progress so far. Again, if you go in armed with the knowledge of the things you don't want them to talk you into it's a good program. If you want to use the bars they aren't awful tasting, but if you just want to do it naturally (and you can lose that way) just hang tough and don't let them talk you into anything you don't want. They'll try hard at first, but they'll back down if you don't cave. Just an example of how you can lose without the bars. My friend and I were going to workout together and she wanted to stop in to weigh first, so I was sitting in the waiting room for her. There was a lady that had just finished weighing and she had lost several pounds after apparently being at a plateau for a while. The LA staff person who was helping her told her that it could be that she wasn't eating as many of the protein bars and that was probably the reason for the drop. I sat there baffled. I'm thinking these are the products you're pushing and now you're telling this woman that her sudden drop was probably because she hadn't been eating the bars. Go figure. Sorry to be so winded, but I guess my final thoughts are that it is a good, balanced program. Just don't let them talk you into anything you don't want to do.
Thanks for your response!! I think I just need to do it myself. I know "how" to do it.. it is just doing it. I tend to get tired... with 5 children ages 11, 10, 7, 2 and 5 months AND homeschooling, sometimes makes for BAD food choices on the go... ARGH I need someone to be accountable to, but not for such a huge HEFTY price.. I rather buy more Cathe dvd's
Jen have you ever considered Weight Watchers?

It's a solid program and you can sign up and do it online - I did it that way I'm not much of a meetings person and once I was close to my goal weight then I started meetings and became a lifetime member not much longer after that.
Programs like LA Weightloss rely on over-restricting of calories. Sure, you lose weight, but someday when you want to eat a normal amount of food, it comes back. I don't know anyone who did one of these programs and kept the weight off.

Honestly, can you find a Weight Watchers in your area? Or a Body for Life support group? Those are much better choices as they teach you what and how much to eat (which seems to be your issue since you aren't sure how many cals to eat, etc.).

Good luck!
>Sorry to be so winded...
Ciddy, I thought your post was very informative, and not long-winded! But one tip/request (from someone in the bifocal-wearing age): it's must easier to read posts that are broken up into paragraphs. Just a suggestion for next time.;-)
I know. I looked at my post after I was done and thought that's going to be a pain to read. I didn't realize that I had written so much until I hit the post instead of the preview button. :)

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