Kung Fu Fighting...

Which workout is that in? I remember doing it in the last several days (I love when that song comes on in the workout!) - wait, is it one of the kickboxing ones? That would make sense... ;)

Now I've got that song in my head...

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting... HIYA!
Those guys were fast as lightning...

(am I the only one who thinks of the Geico commercial where the gecko is singing this song in the backseat of the car?)
It's the slap-clap part, isn't it? Or is it the wax on-wax-off? I guess I know which workout I'll have to do today.

>It's the slap-clap part, isn't it? Or is it the wax
>on-wax-off? I guess I know which workout I'll have to do

I know that it is the step kick one and the wax on/wax off!

YES SJP! I LOVE that workout!

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting....ug!
:eek: how weird! i just did another post about a SJP song before i saw this one! isn't it funny how we equate songs with cathe workouts!?


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