

Kristan- Are you still with us or is that baby going to make you wait till Saturday? I know you said you've been having weak contractions and I was thinking about you and wondering how you're doing? :)

Take care,
Still here. Same lousy little nonproductive contractions. I doubt I will spontaneously start laboring before Saturday, so it will be c/section city for me. That makes me nervous- I hated having a c/s with my first DD. I thought recovery was so much easier with my DD#2, who was a VBAC.

My last ditch effort will be a long walk this afternoon. I am going to run up and down the stairs until i get really uncomfortable.

thanks for checking. kristan
A midwife stripped my membranes for baby #2 and that got things started in that case. Is that a possibility?

Funny you should ask. I posed the same question to my ob, who then told me she's swept my membranes the last 2 visits, which is why my internal exam was so painful. Is that the same as stripping?

Good news- a big old mucous plug appeared today. I'm excited about that nasty globby wad of pink snot. With #2, labor started 24 hours after the plug dislodged.

My walk 'n' run was energetic. I bolted up and down the stairs like a crazy woman. The tourists at the Arch were looking at me a little strangely. I'm sure I looked ridiculous.

It's out of my hands now. If I go into labor, great. If it's a c/section, it's meant to be.


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