Know any couples who lived together after breaking up?


Hi there,
I'm working on a story for People magazine (my name is Darla Atlas -- some of you know me on here!) and thought the wonderful Catheites might be able to help.
The story is based on the upcoming Jennifer Aniston movie The Break-Up, in which her character and Vince Vaughan split up but continue to live together and make each other's lives miserable. The editors would like us to find real couples who are in this situation or have been in the past. This is a tough one to research, as you can imagine! :) If you know anybody who fits this description and would like to talk about it, please post here or email me at [email protected]. Thanks!
P.S.: A question about Boot Camp: Does anybody else feel like a complete klutz during those Terminators? I attempt them, but it's not pretty! Maybe I'm just too tall to do them well. Yeah, that's it! :)
Well, my ex- and I lived together for a few months after we officially "split," but I'm fairly certain there's nothing from that situation fit to print in a national magazine!

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