Kid's Lunches


Okay, all you moms out there... what do you give your kids for school lunches? DD doesn't much like sandwiches, and making lunches is SUCH a chore. Any brilliant ideas I can try?
Would she like some "cooler" alternatives to sandwiches: wraps (using a whole wheat tortilla or even romaine leaves--though the latter might be too "weird" for her classmates)? How about stuffed pita bread sandwiches?

Soups with lots of veggies.

Salads (pasta salads, lettuce-based salads, all with lots of veggies).

What does she like to eat at home. Can she take some left-overs from the night before of some things?
Actually, in the winter we're good, because she has a thermos and likes taking soups and pasta. Summers are harder. Soup's not so great when it's 100 degrees in the shade:p She's not so fond of salad, although she likes pasta salad. She really doesn't like anything that "sandwich-y". She eats everything at home, but I can't really send her to school with salmon and baked potatoes and brussels sprouts!
Both my boys took chicken noodle soup today. I always put, we'll say cookies, into individual bags. I buy the packages so when I get home I just divide them up and put them into the bags. I just grab the bags and throw them in. I have a large basket with I put all of the baggies in. I do buy the individual applesauce cups and pudding. :)

ETA: How about tuna/chicken salad in a container and eating it with a fork?
How about something like hummus or salsa or some other substantial "dip-like" thing with pita bread or pita chips?
Celery and Peanutbutter - my dd LOVES that - and it's protein.
Cheese sticks or chunks of cheese
Apples and peanutbutter as well
Homemade tortilla chips (cut tortillas and bake them til slightly browned) and salsa or refried beans or whatever she likes for a dip.
Pasta salad is always good
Chicken legs (or any other thing) - shake and bake them (oven baked fried chicken), and put them cold in a lunch bag

You can get little cups of peanut butter. I buy those itty bitty ziplock containers that are disposable (if it gets thrown away accidently, you're still ahead of the game) and pack peanut butter, cottage cheese, salsa, fruit... whatever fits and sounds good. Still cheaper than buying the individual packages.
>Okay, all you moms out there... what do you give your kids
>for school lunches? DD doesn't much like sandwiches, and
>making lunches is SUCH a chore. Any brilliant ideas I can

I give him $2.00 for hot lunch! LOL. Sorry. But it's true. I found out he was tossing some of the healthier stuff when he was younger, and gave in to hot lunch. It's probably cheaper, and I can "make" him eat the veggies at dinner.
Don't laugh, but I put protein bars in my girls lunch. They love the nutz over chocolate by Luna and they have10 grams of protein and not a lot of sugar. I send that with a banana and they are happy. My girls also don't like sandwiches which definitely makes it hard. I also put ritz crackers with peanut butter and jelly in the middle and they like that.

Oh that's a bummer. I went to a tiny parochial grade school, but a larger parochial high school. I was just in AWE of hot lunch when I got to high school lol.

hopefully some of the other suggestions will work. It's tough to deal with picky eaters-both my boys are.
My kids like yogurt with bagels or crackers and fruit. Also, I send bags of honey roasted peanuts or peanuts & raisins.

I'd be afraid of the hot lunches at school. After seeing those news stories about 1) how unhealthy they are and 2) how unsanitary the school kitchens are. Bleah! My dd doesn't like much of anything, but I know she'll eat PB&J for a while. Then I'm going to have to start experimenting.
I make mini-muffins! so many healthy recipies out there - you can pack so much nutrition into a muffin! Make a batch or two - freeze them and drop them into the lunches with a bit of butter or cheese and you are good to go. My kids love the mini-muffins. Or make bigger ones instead of a sandwich.

As for other suggestions - cold chicken/ whole wheat crackers with cheese/ apple sauce / yogurt mixed with cereal /hot oatmeal in a thermos with raisins...

at our school - everything is nut free - so PB & J is out as is anything with peanuts or 'traces' of peanuts in it!
I'm with you on that one, Pedmom! LOL

That's one of the hard part about summers - not having the hot lunch option. x( Hubby thinks its too expensive letting them take hot lunch everyday but if I had my way they would. It saves me 10 minutes each night when I don't have to pack a lunch. As a working mom, I have plenty to do when I get home at 6. They get to pick 2 days/week for hot lunch and then I recently started making them make their own peanut butter sandwich. Peanut butter & once in a while turkey is all they'll eat.

Huh? Kids who aren't allergic can't even take peanut butter sandwiches? Never heard of that before. (scratching my head)
Kids who have peanut allergies can't be anywhere NEAR any peanut products. It can get into the air and that could be enough to cause a reaction. Plus, they're kids. Who knows where the peanut butter will end up. You get some on your shirt, kid with peanut allergy comes into contact with said shirt and BINGO! allergic reaction. It's a pretty deadly allergy.
Shelley, my kid loves sandwiches, and fruit, so that's what he gets. But check out these cool kids' lunch ideas I just read in a recent issue of Prevention:

September 05 issue. Page 128

1. Appalachian Trail mix--it has wheat chex cereal, peanuts (I guess you can leave those out), raisins, mini chocolate chips.

Sides: apple, yogurt or milk, and baby carrots

2. Nacho Kit--pack ingredients in small containers and include a spoon for spreading: Corn chips, 1/2 cup fat free refried beans, shredded chicken, shredded low fat cheddar cheese, shredded lettuce with carrots, mild salsa.

Sides: red grapes, milk.

3. Turkey Sushi--Miz 1/4 c cooked whole wheat couscous with 1 tablespoon reduced fat mayo to bind the grains together. Spread on two slices of low-fat turkey lunchmeat. Lay grated carrots and sliced celery and chopped red bell pepper between them. Roll up and cut crosswise into one inch pieces.

Sides: string cheese, milk, fresh pineapple chunks.

Good luck,
Some great ideas! I would take several and combine them. Forget about a "main" part like a sandwich and just have a lot of different items, such as yogurt, fruit, crackers, cheesesticks, veggie sticks, trailmix,etc. I have a picky dd and did this with her.

THAT being said she started to get picky with that and now I do like pedmom and send $ for lunch. I told her that is not as healthy, but I am tired of getting up at 5:15 packing her lunch and her bringing it back home and me throwing it in the garbage. I told her she could back her own if she decided she wanted to quit eating the garbage at school. Now deep in my heart , I know I am sending $1.25 for lunch every day and she is throwing it in the garbage at school. I could just get $1.25 every morning and throw it in my kitchen garbage can.

x( x( Marnie

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