

I don't quite get the whole kickboxing thing. I'm pretty much a traditional exerciser. I've started out doing the Firm and then graduated to Cathe where I've been for the last 3 years. I love doing step and I love doing weights. I have about 15 or so Cathe tapes. I was happy doing my thing and actually didn't need to buy many new tapes for a couple of years. I skipped the CTX series and the Intensity Series....however, I did buy Boot Camp this year. I LOVE Boot Camp. It is such an intense work out and my abs really crave the core work. What I don't get is the kicking or the punching. I don't feel like my body is benefiting at all from these moves. I did order the whole Body Blast DVD series so it sounds like there will be more kickboxing involved. I'm wondering if Cathe along the way gave somewhat of a tutorial for these moves and what I should be aiming for. Does this make sense??? Does anyone else feel like this? Should I get one of Cathe's CTX kickboxing tapes to maybe learn proper form?

Actually, there are other workouts that are better on form (IMO, Cathe and the gang don't really have pristine form on CTX kickboxing or on Cardio Kicks: a bit wild with the elbows on the punches--it did look much improved, though, in Boot Camp).

For form, I think the best instruction is from Katalin Zamir. She has an entire 1 hour tape dedicated to showing form. The workouts themselves are not that great (IMO).

Another workout with good instruction is Powerstrike Millenium 3 (which has an intro form section, and the workout itself progresses gradually, with a lot of upper body drills at the beginning, then moving into more lower body work).

"Power Kicks" is another good kb workout with excellent form pointers (all the workouts I've mentioned are lead by instructors with black belts in at least one form of martial art, so they are really into correct form).
In the new Kick Punch and Crunch, I was so happy to see Cathe give form pointers. She shows where the foot, legs and hands are supposed to be aimed at in this videos.
Being a Kickbox novice, having only done Cardio Kicks, these pointers were a great help.

I think you will love this video. I felt like I was in a 'real' Kickbox class as the moves are all kickbox oriented.

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