


Hello everyone:
I am looking for a good aka advanced kickboxing video. There is a CIA video with Janice something that includes jumping rope that has caught my eye. Problem? lots of reviews that claim she says "awesome" way too often. I am looking for something as challenging as Cathe's videos to cross train with. However, I don't want to get something annoying. I wish Cathe had a kickboxing choice, or just something not step. Alas, I must wait. hee hee.
Any advice would be appreciated.
p.s. I want advanced. I am nursing and still have about 10lbs to lose.
CIA 9907 Kick It

Janis does repeat the word "awesome" a lot of times in CIA 9809. If you think that might get on your nerves, you might want to try her newer kickboxing video - CIA 9907. Nothing annoying in this tape; Janis gets better and better with each of her videos.

I agree with SLH: "Kick It" is a step above 9809. Janis'cuing is better, she only says "awesome" once (maybe), and there is no jumproping (good or bad, depending on how you feel about jumproping---I can do without it).
Have you thought about Keli Roberts Kickboxing video

as well as Janis Saffell's?? Both of Janis' are great but check out Kick Butt Combat from CIA by Keli . It is really good

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